Page 47 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 4 | April - May 2024
P. 47
How did your upbringing contribute
to your values and approach to
When I was 12 years old, I attended a
boarding school in Delhi. Later, I pursued
my bachelor’s degree at DAV College in
Chandigarh. Travelling from Thailand to
India during that time was more challenging
than today, and we could not return home
every year. As a result, we spent our holidays
with relatives there. This experience helped
me become more independent, adapt to
new environments, develop decision-
making skills, and adjust to changes, all of
which were a part of my maturing process.
What factors ignited your interest in
the field of education?
Following my tenure as the Admissions
and Marketing Manager at two vocational
colleges and NIST International School,
I advanced my education by obtaining a
diploma in teaching and a master’s degree learning experience while ensuring a
in Educational Administration. growth mindset, equity, and inclusion. I
What has been your experience strongly believe that every student deserves
working at an institution for over a a fair, inclusive, and supportive classroom
decade? Can you provide an overview environment that ensures equal access to
of your responsibilities and duties as education. This implies that all students
a School Director? should receive equitable treatment from
I joined NIST International School in its both their teachers and peers, and feel I strongly
valued and supported for who they are.
third year of establishment and, over the As a result, they will thrive and become
years, developed skills in communication, responsible global citizens, understanding
collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, themselves and others, creating impact on believe that
and problem-solving while building the community, and committing to social
connections. I began my professional and environmental sustainability. When every student
journey in the Admissions Office, where it comes to leadership, I place high value
my primary duty was to market the school on collaboration, shared decision-making,
to prospective parents. Later, I became the reflecting on past actions, and receiving deserves a
Alumni Manager and was responsible for feedback.
maintaining contact with former students,
ensuring their records were accurate, and Have you observed significant shifts fair,inclusive,
creating an alumni newsletter published in the educational landscape due to
on the school website, as Facebook did increased technology integration? and supportive
not exist yet. If so, how do you stay abreast of
emerging global trends and their
For the last 15 years, I have served as a school educational implications? classroom
director. As per the legal requirements, only
Thai nationals can hold this position. My The integration of technology in education
primary responsibility is to coordinate has brought about remarkable changes in environment
with the relevant government agencies to the way we record and share information,
ensure that the school complies with all the teach, learn, and assess students’ progress. It that ensures
standards. This involves maintaining all the is essential that we embrace these changes
necessary registration documents, updating and keep ourselves updated with the latest
regulations related to visas and work permits information. Ignoring rapid technological equal access to
for teachers, obtaining licences for teaching, advancements is not an option; instead,
and procuring local accreditation among we must explore how schools can facilitate education.
other duties. new digital norms. Therefore, we should
continuously develop our skills, engage in
What guiding principles inform professional development, conduct research,
your approach to education and reflect on our practice, and connect with
leadership? other educators to stay well-informed. This,
My approach to education revolves around in turn, will assist us in enhancing the
placing the student at the centre of the quality of education.