Page 50 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 5 | June - July 2024
P. 50

This photo was taken at 22 Steps Craft House in Hotel Indigo Bangkok Wireless Road.

           Given the high demands of your role, how do you manage   Could you discuss any cultural factors within the Thai-
           to maintain a healthy work-life balance, particularly as a   Indian community that might influence attitudes towards
             parent?                                           orthopaedic health and treatment?

           Balancing work and family becomes more nuanced as life evolves.  I’ve observed that older generations tend to have a more fixed
           Previously, I didn’t worry much about work-life balance, often   mindset regarding medical treatment preferences. They typically
           working seven days a week with extra shifts and long hours,  rely heavily on recommendations from peers or family when
           including consecutive nights. Now, as a parent and with more   selecting doctors, sometimes without thoroughly exploring all
           life experience, I prioritise adjustments. I aim to reserve weekends   available options. When it comes to treatment choices, there’s
            for family time and keep one weekday free to drop off my daughter   often a preference for non-invasive approaches, with surgery
           at school. Setting boundaries after work hours helps me focus   being avoided even when necessary. Additionally, there’s a notable
            fully on family without bringing work home. It’s a collaborative   inclination towards treating existing pain rather than prioritising
           effort with my wife, who also works full-time, as we strive to find   preventive measures. Shifting this mindset can be challenging.
           a balance together.
                                                               What advice do you have for the community to prevent
           What do you find yourself doing in your free time?  common orthopaedic injuries and maintain joint health?

           In my downtime, I find myself enjoying in simple pleasures that   Prevention truly is the key when it comes to maintaining optimal
           bring me peace and recharge my energy. I often find myself   health. Every aspect of our daily routines, from posture to screen
           reading comic books, playing musical instruments, indulging in   time habits, can impact our bodies over time. That’s why I advocate
           music, and watching television series. These activities offer me   for incorporating regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, and
           a chance to unwind and rejuvenate without the need for social   scheduling routine check-ups into our lifestyles. It’s also important
           interaction, allowing me to fully recharge my social battery for   to stay mindful of any changes in our bodies
            the demands of my job.                             and how they may affect our daily activities.
                                                               If something seems amiss, it’s essential not
           Could you share with us some of your personal interests   to hesitate in reaching out to a medical   VIEW  VIDEO:
           outside of the healthcare industry?                 expert for guidance and support. By taking

           Beyond work, I delve into topics like finances and money   proactive measures and being attentive to
           management, considering them crucial in today’s world. I also   our bodies, we can mitigate potential health
            stay updated on news and technological advancements, keenly   risks and promote overall wellbeing.
            following developments in these areas. Additionally, I have a strong
           interest in watches, appreciating their craftsmanship and design.

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