Page 90 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 5 | June - July 2024
P. 90

Unveiling the linguistic ties
                                                                                 between Thailand and India.

                                                                                 B Y GR ACE CLARKE AND
                                                                                 AYU SH MADAN

                   ave you ever noticed the fascinating cultural similarities   of temples such as Wat Arun, and the spiritual narratives depicted in
                   between India and Thailand? India’s rich and extensive   Thai murals and scriptures all reflect ancient ties to Indian culture.
                  history has deeply influenced Southeast Asia, leaving its mark   Even festivals in each region, such as Diwali and Loy Krathong, while
                   on religious practices, arts, scriptures, and language. In this   commemorating different historical events, share common themes:
                   article, we explore the linguistic bridge linking Thai and   the release of past misfortunes, the celebration of good over evil, and
                  Hindi, and reveal the shared heritage and cultural practices   the symbolism of purification and spiritual renewal.
                   between these regions.
                                                               Today, the inclusion of Sanskrit in Thai school curricula underscores the
           In Thailand, the mother tongue is deeply rooted in Balinese and   awareness among Thai people of the connection between their language
           Sanskrit. Sanskrit, an ancient Indo-Aryan language that emerged after   and Sanskrit. Understanding Sanskrit helps students comprehend
            the Bronze Age, originated in the Swat and northern Punjab regions   etymology and the meanings behind words, deepening their grasp
           of what is now Pakistan. Although Sanskrit is no longer widely spoken   of Thai language.
           in daily life, its influence persists in dozens of languages across India,
           Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and of course, Thailand.  Both Thai and Hindi have their origins in Sanskrit, a phenomenon
                                                                known as cognation. Cognates are words that have been borrowed
           Since the era of the Silk Road, trade facilitated the exchange of goods,  from one language to another or have descended from a common
           culture, language, and religion across Asia. It was during this time that   ancestral language - Sanskrit, in this case. Many Thai words, particularly
           Indian monks and scholars spread Hinduism and Buddhism across   those related to religion, royalty, and the arts, have direct counterparts
            the region. In Thailand, the impact of Sanskrit is evident not only in   in Sanskrit and Hindi. These shared terms are not merely linguistic
            the lexicon but also in its rich cultural practices infused with Indian   curiosities; they serve as windows into the shared philosophical and
           influences.                                         cultural landscapes of the past, highlighting the enduring legacy of
           The rhythmic patterns of traditional Thai music, the intricate designs   Sanskrit in shaping the modern tongues of Thailand and India today.

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