Page 48 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 7 | October - November 2024
P. 48




                                                  A deep dive into the confluence of thoughtful treatment
                                                  and individualised care with Dr. Pavinee ‘Beauty’ Ahuja.

                                                                       B Y GR ACE CLARKE

                n the realm of healthcare, a critical art exists – one that thrives on   Just as paediatricians focus on the developmental needs of their
                delicacy and precision. Delicacy, in this context, is not merely   young patients, cosmetic specialists develop personalised treatments
                a gentle touch, but rather a thoughtful and tailored approach   designed to enhance each client’s natural appearance.
            to treatment. As a guiding principle, it shapes decisions across
           various fields within the health sector, empowering professionals to   As we explore both domains, it becomes evident that paediatrics and
           redefine standards and cultivate a more compassionate and effective   cosmetic care share a common objective: to improve lives through
           approach to care.                                   attentive service and tailored approaches. Each sector highlights
                                                                the importance of individualised care that respects the complexities
           Two distinct areas within the healthcare industry where delicacy   of the human experience, emphasising that excellence lies in the
           and precision are intricately connected are paediatrics and cosmetic   details. Masala had the opportunity to explore the intricacies of
            specialities. Paediatrics demands care rooted in foresight and sensitivity.  both sectors through a conversation with Pavinee ‘Beauty’ Ahuja,
           Similarly, cosmetic care is a field that demands finesse, where the   a paediatrician at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya and the founder of
           principles of enhancement meet the science of dermatology.   her own practice, Paediatrics and Wellness Center by Dr. Beauty.

                                                                                     Embrace continuous
           Could you tell us more about your   different direction, and now I pursue dance   learning and stay
           upbringing?                        as a passion in my free time. One of the

           I grew up in a super supportive family that   most enriching aspects of my upbringing   adaptable; it will serve
           encouraged me to explore my interests,  was the opportunity to explore different   you well in your career.
           whether it was dance, music, or sports. My   cultures at a young age. This exposure
           educational journey has taken me from   has significantly shaped me, not just
           India to New Zealand, and then to the   personally, but also in my work. Navigating   my dad to the free medical clinics he ran
           UK, where I spent my first three years in   unfamiliar cultural situations has honed   three to four times a year. Witnessing the
           medical school. My parents always made   my problem-solving skills, pushing me to   challenges that children faced regarding
            sure to balance academics with all the fun   think creatively when faced with challenges.   their health and well-being profoundly
           activities, but they never compared me to   Additionally, interacting with diverse   impacted me. I realised that understanding
           anyone else. This taught me early on that   cultures has enhanced my empathy and   and compassion could genuinely transform a
            the only person I needed to be better than,  emotional intelligence, which have both   child’s experience. And, during my residency,
           was myself. Their unconditional love and   been invaluable in both my personal life   I experienced firsthand the difficulties of
            support shaped my character, giving me     and my career.            caring for children. Each day presented new
            the resilience to face challenges and the   What inspired you to pursue a career   challenges and learning opportunities, and
           confidence to own my choices.                                         while the process could be overwhelming,
                                              in paediatrics and wellness care? What   what  kept my  passion alive was  the
           Tell us about your days in university and   has kept you passionate about them   knowledge that we could do so much more
            higher education. What did you pursue     over the years?            for children than just treat their illnesses. In
           and what was the experience like?  From a young age, I’ve always known that   my practice, I focus on not only addressing

           In my university days, I initially applied   I wanted to be a paediatrician; I was drawn   physical ailments, but also promoting mental
            for a double major in health sciences   to the field long before I even entered   health and advising parents on nutrition, how
           and performing arts, and I was thrilled to   medical school. Between the ages of eight   to engage with their children, and how to
           be accepted. However, life took me in a   and 11, I had the privilege of accompanying   support them emotionally.

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