Page 55 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 7 | October - November 2024
P. 55

                 Middle School Counsellor,
                 NIST International School

           From a young age, Roshni was determined
            to work with children and adolescents,
           motivated by her own complex journey
            through school, and a desire to increase
            support accessibility for future generations.
           After earning her psychology degree from
            the University of British Columbia (UBC),
           Roshni explored special education, which
           revealed her strong desire to connect with
            people on a deeper level. This led her to
            pursue a Master of Counselling in Australia,
           where she worked for Canteen, a non-profit

           organisation supporting young people affected
           by cancer. Following several years in Australia,
           Roshni and her husband David chose to
            pursue international teaching opportunities.
           They moved to Singapore, where she served
           as a Middle School Behaviour Intervention
           Specialist, further developing her counselling
            skills. This journey eventually brought her
           back to her alma mater, NIST International
           School (NIST).
           How do you build trust and rapport with
           your students?                                                         Visibility and accessibility
           I truly believe that the foundation of                                 are key to building strong,
           effective counselling lies in establishing a
            sense of psychological safety with clients.                           trusting relationships with
           As a Middle School Counsellor, I am                                            my students.
           committed to creating a non-judgmental
           environment where students feel supported,
            through fostering a warm atmosphere   What does a ‘typical’ day for a school   Why is socioemotional well-being so
           and treating everyone with kindness and   counsellor look like?       important for our young people? How do
           respect. In small group and individual   One of the most exhilarating experiences of   you provide this support to your students?
           counselling sessions, I take the time to   being a Middle School Counsellor is that no   Socioemotional  well-being  is  the
           learn about students’ interests, strengths   two days are ever the same. A ‘typical’ day   cornerstone to both academic and personal
           and backgrounds and consistently strive to   might involve a variety of tasks, including   success. Research shows that students with
           demonstrate empathy by validating their   individual or group meetings with students,  strong socioemotional functioning are
            feelings and experiences. The expectations   teaching Advisory+ lessons, parent meetings,  more likely to achieve higher grades, form
           around confidentiality are also very clear   as well as collaborating with stakeholders   healthier friendships, and manage their

           within my counselling context, and students   within the school. At the centre of everything   emotions more effectively. At NIST, we
           have a strong understanding that their   I do is the well-being of students.   cultivate socioemotional growth through

           conversations are confidential within the                             our well-being curriculum and therapeutic
           limits of safety.                  The availability of support and the ability   support. Our middle school and Advisory+
                                              to differentiate for student needs has
           One of the other critical ways in which I   transformed significantly over the last   classes cover a wide range of topics,
           build trust and rapport with my students   decade. We are very fortunate at NIST to   including friendships, stress management,
           is through visibility and accessibility. At   have learning support specialists, gifted and   peer pressure, body image, self-awareness,
           NIST, my role allows me to deliver a   talented teachers and allied health providers   boundaries, alcohol, smoking/vaping, and
            socioemotional curriculum through a class   such as Speech Language Therapists and   sexuality education. Given the complexity
           called Advisory+. These lessons enable me   Occupational Therapists. As a counsellor   and vulnerability of this developmental
            to provide age-appropriate education, check   who advocates for the needs of students,   stage, it is crucial to provide support and
           in with students, and gauge their well-being.   I can liaise with the invaluable resources   kindness to both young people and their
           Beyond counselling, I mentor student   within our school as well as outside resources   parents. I offer socioemotional support to
            service groups, have coached football, and   that enhance student learning and well-  students in both small groups and individual
           remain accessible during breaks and lunch   being. Throughout the school year, I also   sessions, addressing concerns such as
            periods. These varied interactions and roles   deliver parent presentations on various topics   transitions, anxiety, stress, anger, friendship
           help me build strong, trusting therapeutic   such as transitions, and helping parents set   issues, and family dynamics.
           relationships with students.       boundaries around screen time.

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