Page 24 - Masala Lite Issue 163 July 2024
P. 24


          PREPPED                                                            Ingredients:              Instructions:

           and           READY                                                •  1 cup basmati rice     1.  Rinse the rice and soak it in water for 30 minutes,
                                                                              •  2 cups of water
                                                                                                          then drain.
                                                                              •  1 cup of mixed vegetables
                                                                                                        2. Heat oil in a pan and add the cumin seeds, cloves,
                                                                                 (carrots, peas, beans, etc.)
                                                                                                          cardamom, and bay leaf.
                                                                              •  1 onion (sliced)
                                                                              •  1 tomato (chopped)
                                                                              •  1 tsp cumin seeds      3. Add the sliced onions and sauté until golden
                            Save time, money, and                             •  2 cloves               4. Add chopped tomatoes and cook until soft.
                      your stomach with these quick                           •  2 green cardamom seeds  5. Add the mixed vegetables and cook for a few
                                                                              •  1 bay leaf
                   and easy Indian dishes to meal prep.                       •  1 tsp turmeric powder    minutes.
                                                                              •  1 tsp garam masala     6. Add the turmeric powder, garam masala, and
                                                                              •  salt to taste            salt.
                                  BY VENESA DASWANI                                                     7.  Add the drained rice and mix well.
                                                                               •  oil
                                                                                                        8. Pour in the water, bring to a boil, and then simmer
            n the world of Indian cuisine, every meal is a celebration of vibrant flavours,               until the rice is cooked and water is absorbed.
            tantalising aromas, and delightful textures. However, we might not all be lucky
            enough to have wonderful mums or didis living with us and cooking us a delicious
           Indian spread every day; and even if we’re talented enough to create a perfectly-
           round roti, we may not have the time, energy, or money for the labour of love that
           is an Indian feast. The answer? Meal prepping: these recipes are designed to be swift,
           without skimping on the rich, aromatic flavours you crave, and you can feel good
           about what you eat, as they are not only delicious, but also packed with nutritious
           ingredients. In just a few minutes, you’ll you’ll be sorted for the rest of the week.
           Plus, you won’t be tempted to eat out so much when you have these scrumptious
           options waiting in your fridge. So grab your apron, unleash the spices, and let the
           culinary adventure begin!

                                           CHICKPEA SALAD:
                                           The Refreshing Kick-Start

                                           Imagine starting your day with a burst of
                                           freshness! A chickpea salad is a delightful
                                           medley of plump, nutty chickpeas, crisp
                                           cucumbers, juicy tomatoes, and a zesty
                                           zing of freshly-squeezed lemon juice. Toss
                                           in some finely-chopped red onions and
                                           fragrant coriander, sprinkle with cumin
                                           powder, and you’ve got a salad that   MASOOR DAAL (RED LENTIL CURRY): The Cosy Hug in a Bowl
                                           dances on your taste buds and leaves you
                                           craving more. Moreover, this salad can   There’s nothing quite like a bowl of masoor daal to soothe your soul. Red lentils, cooked
                                           last up to a month if you store it correctly   to perfection, create a creamy, comforting base that’s infused with the earthy warmth
                                           in the fridge.                    of turmeric and coriander. As you sauté these ingredients, you’ll f ill your kitchen with

        Ingredients:                        Instructions:                    a savoury, mouth-watering aroma that promises a bowl of pure, nourishing comfort.
                                                                             Garnish with fresh coriander, and you’ve got a dish that’s as beautiful as it is delicious.
         •  1 can of chickpeas (drained and rinsed)  1.  Mix all the  vegetables  with the
         •  1 tomato (chopped)                 chickpeas in a large bowl.    Ingredients:
         •  1 red onion (finely chopped)                                      •  1 cup red lentils (masoor daal)  •  1 tsp cumin seeds
         •  fresh coriander (chopped)        2. Add the lemon juice, salt, pepper,   •  3 cups of water    •  1 tsp turmeric powder
         •  lemon juice                        and cumin powder to taste.     •  1 onion (chopped)         •  1 tsp coriander powder
         •  salt and pepper                  3. Toss well and garnish with fresh   •  2 tomatoes (chopped)  •  1 tsp garam masala
         •  cumin powder                       coriander.                     •  2 garlic cloves (minced)
                                                                                                           •  salt to taste
                                                                              •  1 knob of ginger          •  fresh coriander (chopped)
        VEGETABLE PULAO:                                                          (cut into 1 inch and minced)  •  oil
        The Comforting Symphony                                                Instructions:

        Picture a pot of vegetable pulao simmering                            1.  Rinse the lentils thoroughly and cook them in 3 cups of water until soft.
        on the stove, filling your kitchen with                               2. Heat oil in a pan and add the cumin seeds.
        the  warm, inviting aromas of cumin,
        cardamom, and cloves. Fluffy basmati rice                             3. Add the chopped onions and sauté until golden brown.
        with colourful carrots, peas, and beans, all                          4. Add the minced garlic and ginger, and cook for a minute.
        enveloped in the golden glow of turmeric                              5. Add the chopped tomatoes and cook until soft.
        and the rich depth of garam masala. This                              6. Add the turmeric powder, coriander powder, salt, and the cooked lentils to the
        one-pot wonder is a comforting symphony                                 pan and mix well.
        of flavours and textures, perfect for a
        hearty meal that feels like a warm hug.                               7.  Simmer for 10 minutes.
                                                                              8. Garnish with fresh coriander and serve.
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