Page 12 - Masala Lite Issue 162 June 2024
P. 12

12       MUNCHING




        Enjoy a juicy piece of classic
        Americana at Big Bite Burger
        Bar & Grill.


              rowing up in California, I’ve always had an
              affinity for old-school American diners and their
              mouth-watering menus filled with traditional
        hamburgers, steaks, milkshakes, floats, and a slice of
        pie. An establishment of this nature flawlessly musters
        nostalgia, driven by the entrepreneurial spirit of a
        mum-and-pop shop atmosphere serving up plates of
        comfort food. But when a restaurant such as the Big
        Bite Burger Bar & Grill at the Courtyard Bangkok
        Suvarnabhumi Airport is elevated by sophisticated
        aesthetics and ‘gourmet’ dishes, the experience can
        become an unforgettable one; pulling at the nostalgic
        strings while you take a bite out of some of the most
        surprisingly-delicious burgers you’ll have in Bangkok. In
        other words, there is both style and substance.

        I was genuinely taken aback by how good the food and
        presentation were overall. Selfishly, I couldn’t help but
        think to myself, “If only we could physically bring this
        burger joint closer to the centre of the city.” For those
        living nearby, even if you’re a couple of Airport Rail Link
        stations away, it would be a highly-recommended spot
        for a proper dine-in experience.


        We cannot avoid the fact that Big Bite Burger Bar & Grill
        is a bit out of the way for some of us. But for others living
        nearby, please treat yourself and indulge. However, if we

        can look past the proximities for a second, you’ll realise
                                                                                                              MASALA RECOMMENDS
        that this establishment is absolutely pristine, justifying

        the high-resolution images you see in this very article.
                                                      The latter was jaw-droppingly good; not dense, not   No contest, the flagship Big bite burger (THB 420) takes
        Perhaps it’s the low foot traffic or the staff taking extra
                                                      overly sweet, and according to the hotel’s head of F&B,   first prize. It needed to live up to its namesake after all.
        care of every step of the serving process, but nothing
                                                      they were able to provide the highest quality ingredients   This burger packs in double beef patties, cheddar cheese,
        seemed out of place. Either way, there’s a certain calm
                                                      without compromising sustainability practices. That’s   bacon, pickles, onion rings, and the restaurant’s secret
        no matter where you choose to sit in the restaurant,   a win-win in my book.                   sauce. Every bite after the first felt like I was sinking
        from the booths to the bar.
                                                                                                       into a new burger all over again. The beef was cooked
                                                      The appetisers were a formidable bunch. We tucked
        On one end you have a view of the hotel pool. On the                                           to perfection while the other ingredients harmoniously
                                                      into the juicy and flavourful Crispy buffalo chicken wings
        other, a garden with frolicking wildlife adds to the warm,                                     elevated the entire meal. I could have had this burger
                                                      (THB 280), which tasted great with or without the blue
        welcoming atmosphere. The inner-workings are equally                                           on its own and left overly satisfied. In other words, if
                                                      cheese sauce; the soft and zesty Pan fried crab cake (THB
        impressive. The interior is gorgeously designed, with all                                      you had to visit Big Bite Burger Bar & Grill for one thing,
                                                      350) with mixed green salad, remoulade sauce and
        the familiar 1950s design elements, such as the black                                          and one thing only, let it be this stunningly-satisfying
                                                      lemon wedge; and the refreshing Rodeo salad (240); all
        and white checker patterns, retro décor, and the pop of                                        behemoth of a burger. You will not be disappointed.
                                                      of which would have left us full on a regular visit. But
        colours found throughout. The red bar stools, neon pink
                                                      on this day, gluttony reigned supreme because we were
        signs placed on white tiles, vintage comic book-style art,
                                                      treated with a side order of Disco fries (THB 150), which
        all felt as if they were in their correct positions. The only   we welcomed with open arms. And mouths.   BIG BITE BURGER BAR & GRILL
        thing missing was a jukebox and we would have easily
        thought we’d been transported to a mid-20  century   Now, for the main attractions: The seaside fish burger   Courtyard Bangkok
        diner in a small town along the Atlantic coast.   (THB 400) with garlic lemon mayo, lettuce, and creamy   Suvarnabhumi Airport
                                                      coleslaw; the Plant-powered burger (THB 360) with   599/9 Lat Krabang Road  VIEW VIDEO
        FOOD AND DRINKS                               Beyond Meat, avocado, corn salad, tomato, lettuce,   Lat Krabang Bangkok,
                                                      sauté mushroom, and cheddar cheese; and the New   Thailand 10520

        Before my eyes could burn a hole into their burgers   york striploin 12oz (THB 1,650). It is truly impressive how   Open daily from
        that were being prepared in the open kitchen, the staff   well the meat, in both the veg and non-veg burgers, is   5pm to 11pm
        distracted me and my colleagues with a couple of sweet   cooked and prepared. By the time we made our rounds,
        delights, such as the Sarsi rootbeer float (THB 240), a   jumping from one dish to the other, the quality and   Tel: 02 780 3588
        combination of vanilla ice cream and Sarsi cola. This   taste of the ingredients remained consistent, even with   Instagram:
        was followed up by a tall beautiful glass of Freedom ‘n   the slight drop in temperature or after some time had   @bigbiteburger_bkk
        cookies (THB 240) – a cookies and cream, chocolate ice   passed. It left me genuinely perplexed. Surely, it has to   Facebook:
        cream float with brownies.                    be some culinary sorcery!                       @bigbiteburgerbkk
        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 162 - JUNE 2024
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