Page 21 - Masala Lite Issue 159 March 2024
P. 21

ANAND KUNKUDATHARN                                                   MARISA SETHI KHANIJAON
                                           44 years old                                                         37 years old

                                           When you turn 40, you don’t notice much                              When I turned 30, I remember distinctly
                                           of a drastic change. Your likings tend to                            that my body started taking a toll on
                                           change a bit; for example, whereas before,                           me; it was like my whole body started
                                           listening to loud music in a crowded area                            screaming for help. As a makeup artist,
                                           was enjoyable, now being in a quieter                                there is a lot of travelling involved, so
                                           space that allows for conversation is                                you don’t have much of a routine for
                                           preferred. In social gatherings, I found                             eating or exercising, or having a healthy
                                           myself sticking to my own comfort zone.                              lifestyle. I have an autoimmune disorder
                                           I don’t mind making new friends, but I                               that makes this even more difficult, as it
                                           prefer to hang around those I am close                               depletes me completely. After I turned
                                           to and am comfortable with.                                          30, it changed me completely. This was

                                           Family, of course, comes into play as the                            when I realised that I can’t take my health
                                           kids are growing up. We need to give                                 lightly anymore. The lifestyle I have to
                                           them more time, which has nothing to                                 live as a makeup artist was not ideal with
                                           do with our age, but rather theirs. A close                          the condition that I had. I started trying
                                           friend of mine likes to say that we are a                            to balance my life in a more responsible
                                           part of the sandwich generation. We used                             way.

                                           to listen to our parents, and now, we are                            At one point in my early 30s, I was a
                                           listening to our kids instead of our kids                            social  butterfly.  I  was  in  six  ‘shares’
                                           listening to us.                                                     and  10  ‘crowds,’  and  I  was  literally

                                           I’ve been told that when you turn 40,                                everywhere. Now that I am in my late 30s,
                                           your body goes through so many changes.                              my perspective on this has completely
                                           Everything takes a little longer and is                              changed. If you have many friends, you
                                           a little slower. Indeed, I did notice this                           are in trouble. It’s not a sign that you
                                           happening  to  my  body.  When  I  eat                               are popular, but rather that you are
                                           something and if it doesn’t suit me, my                              careless. The reason I believe this to be
                                           body will react. The discomfort lingers                              true is because as you grow and as your
                                           a little longer than when I was in my                                values change, the people you choose
                                           20s or 30s and there is indigestion that                             to surround yourself with also naturally
                                           I suddenly have to put up with.                                      change. Social circles grow smaller, and
                                                                                                                instead of focusing on quantity, the
                                           For me, these were the main differences                              focus shifts to quality. The importance
                                           after turning 40; the social priorities and                          of having people of values and standards
                                           what we consume. Other than this, I   surrounding you becomes so important, and it’s imperative to have people who talk
                                           would say that you can still enjoy life as   good of you both in front of your face as well as behind your back.
                                           if you were in your 30s!
                                                                             Women today are all working and busy, and need to prioritise. In today’s world, many
                                                                             women are having babies in their 30s, so that in itself takes a huge toll on the body.
                                                                             The 30s changed me, and I look forward to seeing what will happen in my 40s!.

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