Page 20 - Masala Lite Issue 161 May 2024
P. 20

House Cook Does Not Come Back to Work From                  because I walked in holding Sanjay’s
                                                      Day Off                                                      hand so they definitely saw that.” The
                                                                                                                   couple chose to stay on for dinner
                                                      SUKHUMVIT – A small family were scrambling to                but requested a table in the back
                                                      prepare their own meals when their new cook failed           and cannot confirm if they enjoyed
                                                      to show up to her job without any notice. Shruti Kapoor,     themselves.
                                                      a 31-year-old working mother,
                                                      had just hired the helper about                                   Auntie Who Thinks She
                                                      one month ago and believed                                          Got a Good Deal Finds
                                                      everything was going fine. “I don’t                                  Out Otherwise
                An unreformed party girl and mother   understand what happened,”                                            YAOWARAT  –  Bindu
                 of two,writer, editor and observer   she recounts. “She went for                                            Rajpal, 56, left the fabric
                     Sumati Huber tries to            her weekend holiday as                                                  store feeling pretty
                    make sense of our unique          normal.  But  then  she                                                 fantastic about herself
                Thai-Indian society and the aunties   didn’t return or answer                                                  last  Thursday.  She
                   that she will one day become.      any of my phone calls.                                                    had managed to
                                                      Why couldn’t she inform
                                                      me that she would not                                                      negotiate  a  THB
                                                      be coming back?” The busy                                                   200 discount per
           If Our Problems Made the News…             mum will currently be                                                        yard of cloth in
                                                      spending her free time searching for a replacement                           order  to  make
        Local Woman Feels Annoyed at Hair Salon       while the cook could not be reached for comment.   new curtains for her house. When sharing the good
                                                                                                    news with her friends who came over for chai and
        PHROM PHONG – Staff at a beauty salon were left   Secretly-Dating Couple Runs Into Other Indians   samosas, she was shocked to hear that the shop across
        stunned when a regular customer was unhappy with her   at Restaurant                        the street offers even more of a price reduction. “I really
        blow dry. The middle-aged lady, who asked to remain                                         thought I was the best at bargaining,” Bindu wailed to
        anonymous, had frequented the venue every Monday,  SATHORN  –  After  scouring  a  list  of  unfamiliar   reporters over the telephone. “I know that all prices are
        Wednesday and Friday for the past 15 years. This was   restaurants, Preeti*, 28, and Sanjay*, 29, (*not their   just a starting point. Now I’m questioning if I’ve been
        the first time she complained that her hair was too flat   real names) decided to boldly venture out for a dinner   overpaying for vegetables, spices, clothes and everything
        and didn’t have the signature curls at the bottom to   date on Saturday night. To their horror, they saw a   else I’ve ever bought.” A friend of Bindu tried to comfort
        add volume. She summoned her driver to collect her   table of other Indians seated near the entrance when   her by saying, “Don’t feel so bad. Everyone knows I’m
        from the parlour in a huff. The salon employees stood   they walked in. The couple has been dating for eight   actually the one who is the best at bargaining.”
        around gossiping for a good 10 minutes after this ordeal,  months now without their family’s knowledge. Preeti
        and for the rest of the afternoon while tending to other   and Sanjay were not sure if the other Indians knew who
        clients. Before the irate customer exited the salon, she   they were and would tattle on them. They reported
        told the hair stylist that she would not be coming back,  feeling nervous because the people at the Indian table
        only to return again for her next appointment.   stared directly at them when they walked in. “It was
                                                      unnerving,” Preeti describes. “I didn’t know what to do

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 161 - MAY 2024
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