Page 34 - Masala Lite Issue 161 May 2024
P. 34

                                                        Comprehensive and Easy Jean Care

                                                           Dolly Koghar gives her own, human tips on this life skill.

                                                      common sense, but with Google and Alexa telling us   •  Freezing the pants does kill bacteria and reduce
                                                      everything, what should be obvious is getting blurrier   odours, but this sorcery doesn’t remove dirt or oils.
                                                      by the minute. Try recalling any phone number, even
                                                                                                      •  Over washing will cause jeans to fade, lose their
                                                      that of your nearest and dearest, and chances are,   shape, and weaken the fabric.
                                                      we can’t. Neither can we remember our children’s
                                                      birthdays without being nudged by our phone     •  Resist the urge to throw the denims
                                                      calendar reminder! Our brains haven’t dimmed, but   into the dryer, as it damages fibres
                                                      are being forced to discard what mattered, to make   and causes them to shrink and
                                                      space for the needless jumbo-mumbo we keep plying   fade. Air dry them completely,
        I was lazily browsing my laptop in a haze, when an   onto it. Our grey cells are confused and are gradually   by stretching the seams so
        intrusive pop-up titled, “How Often Should Jeans Be   moving into auto-mode, akin to our smart cars, which   the jeans lay flat before
        Washed?” caught my attention, and I inadvertently   can now take us to our destination while we nap,   hanging them up. If
        got sucked into the Minotaur’s labyrinth, in this case,   WhatsApp, or watch a movie on the dashboard, all   urgent, opt for a low,
        into a web of sites! So here, I’ll share my know-how   whilst having bypassed the drama of life, of which we   or no-heat dry cycle,
                                                                                                        and use dryer balls
        on jean care, since almost everybody possesses a   are, or should be a part of, outside the window.   to keep your jeans
        pair or more of denims; even hubby dear, who finally                                            tumbling.
        relinquished his tailor-made, grandpa trousers for   However, it’s jean care we’ll concentrate on here
        a pair, despite still deeming them inappropriate for   and not our increasing dependency on AI, to whom,   •  For washing, follow
        certain places and situations.                unwittingly, we are handing over our crucial,     the tag instructions.
                                                      intrinsic, and singularly unique freedom of thought
                                                                                                      •  Load your jeans inside
        The post was from a certain brand of detergent,   and expression. Even more damagingly, we and our   out to protect against direct exposure to detergents
        scrupulously touting itself as the best buddy to   children are slowly but surely eroding ourselves of the   to reduce additional wear and tear.
        your denims, while they still fit you. Advertisement   ability to connect with each other, mano a mano. So
        creators are geniuses; they’ve encapsulated the   here goes my very human take:               •  For embellished and ripped jeans, place them into
                                                                                                        mesh washing bags to prevent rips from becoming
        human psyche to a tee, and know exactly what we
        do subconsciously and automatically in the privacy   •  Jeans should be washed when they are smelly and   larger, or embellishments from falling off.
        of our rooms and bathrooms. The article’s tagline   dirty, to avoid bacteria buildup, odours, and even   •  It’s okay to wash denims with other items, using a
        was, “Taxes, death and the sniff test, - they’re all   skin irritation. Nevertheless, there’s no one-size-fits-  mild detergent with cold water on the delicate or
        certainties of life. And whether we’d like to admit it   all number, jeans worn for labour and gardening will   gentle cycle of the washing machine. Alternately,
        or not, we’ve all grabbed a piece of cloth off the floor   need more frequent washes but if you occasionally   for darker jeans, like indigo and black, opt for
        (or the chair) and inhaled to see if it’s wearable.”  throw on a pair for some quick errands or to pick up   detergents specifically made for dark clothing to
                                                          the kids from school, then wash them on average   prevent fading. If they are new, the dark dungarees
                                                          after 4 to 5 wears.
        I had to read whatever else they had to say. It                                                 should be washed solo the first few times to prevent
        continued with saying that underwear should be   •  You can spot-treat stains in between a thorough   the dye from bleeding onto other clothes.
        washed every day, which is more than obviously,   wash.

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                                                                                 we’re seasoned professionals with
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                                                  is upheld.

                                            095 393 8013            @mrkevinlaundry              mrkevinlaundry

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 161 - MAY 2024
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