Page 26 - Masala Lite Issue 169 January 2025
P. 26


                                                      your hair and nails always look fantastic and you’re ready  KEEP SHARING YOUR HOME REMEDIES
                                                      to attend any event at a moment’s notice. Bonus points  We wonder why so many Indian children are pressured
                                                      if you are still single because always being glammed up  to go to school and become doctors when it seems
                                                      will increase your chances of finding a mate.   everyone in our community is a medical expert anyway,
                                                                                                    just without the degree. Regardless, the hidden home
                                                      KEEP FEEDING EVERYONE                         remedies that our “doctors” share can sometimes prove
                                                      When you visit a fellow Indian’s home, simply being  to be useful. Whether it’s forwarding purifying religious
                                                      offered just a glass of water may raise questions of  chants on YouTube or insisting you add turmeric to cure
                                                      whether the family’s cook is on holiday or if they are  all your ailments, there is no shortage of advice that will
                                                      having financial problems and can’t feed you. Luckily,  help you live your best life.
                An unreformed party girl and mother   that’s never the case as Indian hosts are always ready
                 of two, author, editor and observer   to serve some tasty treats to anyone who comes over.  KEEP BARGAINING AND  TELLING US ABOUT  THE
                     Sumati Huber tries to            Tea is freshly brewed and served piping hot — lukewarm  BEST DEALS
                    make sense of our unique          and it will be sent back to be reheated — and the host is  Thank you to Indians for helping to set the bar low when it
                Thai-Indian society and the aunties   more than happy to share their secret contacts of food  comes to pricing so that we can always boast about how
                   that she will one day become.      delivery. So please keep inviting us to your house and  little we paid. Shopkeepers know that when we approach,
                                                      setting out a spread because we will happily eat it even  we are ready to negotiate and won’t back down because
                                                      if we say we’re not hungry.                   we already heard that Auntie Dimple paid 20 baht for
        ANTI-RESOLUTIONS FOR INDIANS                                                                three kilos of tomatoes. Our wallets stay happy and we
                                                      KEEP TAKING YOUR EVENING WALKS                have more to spend on going to the salon, feeding our
          t’s a new year and conventional traditions say you   Whether you’re just pacing around your living room or  guests, buying new walking shoes, and perhaps even
          should be setting some goals to have a better life   stepping out in the soi with your spouse in cute walking  paying for medical school in case our children decide to
          for the next 365 days. But if you think about it,   sneakers paired with a salwar kameez, this healthy  become “real” doctors. Everybody wins!
        there’s nothing we Indians need to improve on since   habit of adding more steps to your day goes a long
        we are already perfect, and it’s actually Auntie Sheetal’s   way. Walking in the evening or after dinner also ensures
        daughter who should be reforming because did you see   your skin stays fair as you don’t have to deal with the
        how she was dressed at the holiday party?     sweltering sun. You can always come back to your couch
                                                      after and gossip about all the naughty kids you noticed
        However, if you want to vow to exercise more or drink   heading out for their nighttime parties.
        less, that’s great because we know you will be super
        successful… until January 3rd, that is. But for the rest
        of us, here are some things we should keep resolving
        to do in 2025:

        This one is easy with little risk unless your usual stylist
        isn’t there and your curls don’t fall the way you prefer.
        Either way, with your weekly (or daily) grooming schedule,

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 169 - JANUARY 2025
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