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8      fashion

         Style Guide :

         Eco-friendly Fashion
          Every year, it’s estimated that each
          person produces over 37 kg of fashion
          waste. That’s a lot of dump just sitting in
          landfills. As a result, we’ve put together
          tips on how to embrace sustainable
          fashion—a term that encompasses
          clothing that’s environmentally-friendly,
          as well as people-friendly!

        1.   SHOP LOCALLY                                                    6.   SUPPORT ECO-LABELS
             Not only does this minimise transport pollution but it also supports the local      Many brands, like Patagonia and Alternative Apparel, are sustainable with their
             community.                                                           materials and labour practices. Do your research before shopping.
        2.   PICK THE RIGHT FABRICS                                          7.   DONATE
             The greenest fabrics are ones that are made with renewable fibres that are easy      Divert waste from landfills by donating clothes to shelters or charities.
             to grow, use limited water and energy, and are recyclable. Think bamboo, silk, soy,
             hemp, and organic cotton.
        3.   GO FAUX                                                         8.   DIY DIVA

                                                                                  Turn your old fashion into new items, accessories, or even décor.
             Millions of animals are killed for wool, leather and fur. Totally unacceptable when
             there are alternatives available.
        4.   SAY NO TO FAST FASHION                                          9.   THROW IN THE TOWEL

                                                                                  Wash clothing only when necessary to save water and energy, and use organic
             When price tags are low, it often means low quality and unethical labour practices.   laundry detergent without toxins and petrochemicals.
             Instead of falling for bargain buys, invest in timeless staple items that will last.
        5.   BUY VINTAGE                                                     10.   SHOP ‘TIL YOU DROP

             For items that are eco-conscious and budget-friendly, used clothes are your best      Bring along your own fabric bag to avoid plastic ones.
             bet. Check out thrift stores, vintage markets, swap parties, or even buy online.

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