Page 74 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 4 | April - May 2024
P. 74
employing individual strategic it’s essential to remain mindful of economic
thinking and creativity in fluctuations while making decisions. For
financial decision making. While instance, despite predictions of an impending
this principle might appear US economic downturn in recent years, US
straightforward, consistently stocks actually saw an upward trend. I viewed
applying it requires significant this as an opportunity to diverge from the mass’
resilience. Implementing it often consensus. When the majority avoids certain
challenges our existing beliefs, investments due to perceived overvaluation,
ingrained knowledge, and the I see it as a chance to join the minority and
information we encounter daily. capitalise on potential growth.
This difficulty may explain why
only 3 percentage of people are My approach may appear unconventional
able to fully achieve success with to some, but that’s precisely the point. By
this principle. deviating from mainstream economic
trends, investors like myself gain greater
Can you share more about flexibility and choice. Following the herd
your journey in becoming a mentality, whether it’s focusing solely on
public figure, particularly the large-scale companies, cryptocurrencies, or
experience of transitioning other popular trends, limits our investment
into the public domain to creativity. Embracing individual paths and
provide insights about the swimming against the current allows us to
financial sector within the unlock new opportunities and expand our
Thai-Indian community? investment horizons.
My theory began gaining Given your positive outlook on investing
attention when it became in the stock market, are there specific
apparent that many people in industries or sectors you believe hold
Thailand had not previously significant growth potential in the
considered the concept of the current economic landscape?
3 Percent Principle. This led
Could you tell us a bit more about Following my personal philosophy rooted
your personal story - such as your to opportunities for me to share my theory in the 3 Percent Principle, I believe that
upbringing and studies? with the public through mainstream media, cryptocurrencies currently hold promising
subsequently building a following. Ultimately,
I completed my studies at Chiang Mai it reflects the reality of our capitalist society, potential in the market. Take Bitcoin, for
University, specialising in Business. The where only a small fraction of individuals instance: while many perceive it as an
majority of my understanding in this domain achieve significant financial success. opportune moment to invest due to its
was gained through practical, real-world upward trajectory to USD 70,000, I see it as
experiences. My theory highlights the limitations of blindly an optimal time to sell.
following prevailing business and financial
What inspired your interest in personal trends, emphasising that success cannot Those uninterested in cryptocurrencies
finance and trading? be guaranteed by simply making popular typically aren’t the primary focus when
Around 20 years ago, my intrigue with decisions. considering investments in this market.
investments was sparked as I observed However, for those engaged in it, the
that many individuals, including those in This principle extends beyond business continued upwards market growth might
my immediate circle, were not achieving into everyday decision making. Many seem like a clear signal to invest further. Yet,
successful returns on their investments. This individuals rely on graphs, numbers, and by following the principle, I advocate for a
observation presented an intriguing challenge personal experiences to guide their financial different approach. While the majority may
that captured my interest. investments, but they often overlook view the rising market as a cue to invest, I
whether they are following the same path believe it’s actually an ideal time to sell your
Over time, this curiosity evolved into a as the majority. Consequently, they make Bitcoin and exit the market.
perspective where I began to see personal decisions based solely on these factors without
finance as a cognitive process – a principle considering if they’re falling into common Can you provide some details about
I developed independently. It all stemmed patterns. your role as a public figure and why
from a simple question: “Why do individuals you’ve specifically selected Facebook
often face financial losses when venturing How do you approach forecasting as your key platform for sharing your
into stock market investments?” This question economic trends, and which tools or financial expertise?
prompted me to delve deeper into the matter, methods do you find most effective? I opted for Facebook due to its widespread
leading me to recognise that only a small Firstly, it’s important to distinguish between usage among the general public, making it
fraction of investors actually succeeded in business and investments. Business operations easily accessible to a broad audience. However,
generating profits and accruing interest on and keeping ventures afloat are largely within while I acknowledge the convenience of
their investments. our control, irrespective of the current online accessibility, I must emphasise that
economic climate. As a businessperson, I not all my insights are infallible. At times,
This notion also inspired the development prioritise continually improving my business my perspectives may evolve, or change.
of my 3 Percent Principle, emphasising rather than fixating on the immediate state Nonetheless, I strive to share insights,
the significance of breaking away from of the economy. financial news, and ideas as accurately as
conventional groupthink in investment possible.
choices. Instead, it underscores the value of Conversely, when it comes to investments,