Page 10 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 6 | August - September 2024
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                                                                                 30                        44

            34                                                                  36                         50

            14 EDITORIAL NOTE                 30  TRAVEL                        42  PEOPLE

                                                    Isle of Enchantment:               Luxury Redefined:
            16  NEW IN TOWN                         Journey through Jeju Island’s      CEO of Euro Creations, Kevin
                                                    stunning landscapes, ancient       Gambir, on his vision for the
             26 EVENTS                              culture, and tangy delights.       company.

                  A Gala Event:                                                        No Minor Feat:
                  A toast to the successful 11th                                       Puneet Dhawan, the Head of

                  Edition of the Masala Wedding   34 VIP ACCESS                        Asia for Minor Hotels, on how the
                  Fair!                             Soothing Streams and Pink          hospitality group is rapidly joining
                                                    Reverie:                           the major leagues worldwide.
             29 SNIPPETS                            Centara Grand Beach Resort
                                                    Phuket fuses Thai charm with
                  News from within the Thai-Indian   international elegance.      50 COVER STORY
                                                                                       15 Years of Changes, Triumphs,
                                              38 TRAVEL TO INDIA                       and Achievements:
                                                                                       Masala reflects on the progress
                                                    A Lehman’s Guide to                of the Indian community.
                                                    A travel guide for an
                                                    unforgettable journey through   60 DINING
                                                    Leh Ladakh and Spiti Valley.
                                                                                       Yantra at Anantara:
                                                                                       Bangkok gets a taste of
                                                                                       Singapore’s acclaimed and
                                                                                       celebrated Indian restaurant.

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