Page 58 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 5 | June - July 2024
P. 58

The Gandhi family’s early years in Songkhla.

           You mentioned that an exit strategy is always important in business   As older adults, we have a lot to learn from the younger generation.
           – going on the fly shouldn’t be a part of the formula.   The latter is more open-minded and accepting of different groups

           Yes! You can apply it to real estate, for example. If you are investing   of people and professions. We used to be limited to the subjects
           in property just because it’s cheap, that is not going to do you any   we wanted to learn about and hopefully pursue. Today, they are
            good. Make sure there is resale value, or that you plan to raise its   creating their own subjects or entirely new fields, which we can
           value overall. It’s the same in textiles. Focus on the quality first, not   all learn from – I have learned so many things from my kids, and
            the price point.                                   I am grateful that.

           You have clearly gathered plenty of wisdom through these   Is there any advice you wish to give to this new generation of young
                                                                adults who wish to create a lasting impact on their communities
           experiences and achieved many things. What has been your   like you have?
             biggest reward?
           To do what I do because of my family. My father, up until his   Respect. You may think it’s too obvious or sounds too old, but you
            passing four years ago, provided unwavering support. My mother   should always have respect. Always make sure you respect other
           is still around, thankfully, and her support has always been present.   cultures and heritage. First, get to know your own culture and
           Moreover, I cannot stress this enough, my beautiful wife Vandana   traditions. Only then will others understand you better and respect
           is an incredible blessing. She has always been there for me, and her   you in kind. The same courtesy should be offered by you.

            simplicity and kindness are second to none. And the amazing way   The other crucial advice is to remain humble. There will always
            she has brought up our kids – I cannot begin to explain! I could not   come a time when you will reflect and say, “I should have or could
           imagine a life without her in it. Then, of course, we have our three   have.” That is when you will realise it would have been better if
           wonderful children. The eldest one, Akshay, in the US, specialises   you had been humbler; it would be more beneficial and you would
           in private equity, with his wife Megan who shines in finance; the   have valued what you had at the time.
            second, Sharad, is an artist, and some of these art pieces hanging in
           our home are from his brilliance. Then, there is my youngest, Rhea,   Finally, follow your passion, but be calculated about it. Things
            still studying and has her own passions, from health-related topics   change so fast in the modern world. If you cannot take calculated
            to singing. There’s a bright future ahead for her as well.  risks and not utilise the knowledge you have gathered usefully, you
                                                               are setting yourself up to lose. They say there is “no reward without
           You must be very understanding and considerate of your children   risk.” What people should say is, there will be no reward without
             and their passions in life.                       calculated risk.

           My kids may not be doing exactly what I am doing, but times have   Risks and rewards. What are some rewards you give yourself, when
           changed. It’s not like in our generation, when we used to follow   you need to take a breather?
            the path of our parents or elders. I have had so many people ask
           me whether it’d be ideal if one of my kids took over the business   I’ve started to play golf more, that’s for sure. I love taking the time
           after me. I usally reply, “How do you know that I won’t instead   off in the early hours of the day, maybe twice or thrice a week, and
           join their businesses or pursuits in life?” Why should I close doors   hopefully get in 14 or 15 holes. I also love travelling with my family.
           of opportunities that can go both ways with my children? This   I have made it a family activity to see the world more.

            generation is incredibly creative, with so many tools at their exposal.   What are some of your favourite destinations?
           They are allowed to do so much more.
                                                               I would have to say the north of Italy. You can drop me off in some
           As part of the older generation, we cannot lecture the new generation   town in Tuscany, maybe in Florence, enjoying some wine, and I
           on how we used to do things. What benefit will they receive by doing   will be a very happy man.
            things the old way? We went from experiencing tape recorders to
           now operating in the Cloud. This generation’s starting point is the   Love for Italy and wine, you’re talking my language. What are

           Cloud. Yes, if they do need guidance, old stories do bring new merits.  your top three wines?
                                                               I’m biased, so anything from Italy, of course, and a select few from
                                                               France. I would open up a bottle, but you’re on the clock! [Laughs]

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