Page 63 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 5 | June - July 2024
P. 63

           Freelance Writer/Editor

           How do you deal with the major challenges that technology
             presents when raising kids?
           As a joke, I tell people that I know how it’ll end for me – one of my
            kids will unplug my life support to charge their phone! [Laughs]
           That’s the meme my kids sent to me on the family chat! As a family
           of screen addicts, I find my concern has shifted from screen time,
            to content. We are exposed to a lot very early on, and the digital
           landscape is the wild, wild West – relatively new, unchartered,
           and ever-changing territory. So as much as we can, we talk to
           our children about algorithms and the workings of social media.
           There’s constant dialogue about the latest games, TikTok trends,
           and what they are watching and consuming, as well as where they
            think the future of AI is heading. Intellectualising these topics
           help us navigate and self-regulate better. I hope to develop self-
           discipline not just for my kids but for all of us; to recognise the
           moment when our devices get addictive and to make the choice
            to put them down.

           What about other ways that motherhood has changed? How do   What is at the root of all these changes?

           you handle these new trials?                        If you really dig deep, you’ll question whether that much has actually

           If I called my mum, “bruh” and tried to psycho-analyse her using   changed. For example, twenty years ago, “sabse bara rog, kya kahenge
           Instagram pop reels, I think she would have thrown a chappal in my   log” (the biggest illness is thinking about what other people will say)
           direction, followed by a never-ending lecture on respect. [Laughs]   was the issue. The community lived in constant fear of judgement
           Currently, my kids are calling out my ‘societal conditionings,’  and coveted their reputation. Today, we say we don’t care what
           ‘gaslighting tendencies,’ and ‘toxic positivity.’ Technology has made   people think, yet we’re still consumed by the number of likes we
            them too aware and sensitive, but also much more open and authentic   get. Humans seek validation, regardless of whether they’re holding
           with us. There is plenty of space for them to grow, explore and discuss   a device or not!
           deeper topics. It can’t be a one-way lecture or a list of dos and don’ts
            that our parents used to hand to us.

           RASHNI KHANIJOU, 45
           Freelance Language and Project Specialist

           Technology has changed what it means to be a parent – how have
           you dealt with that?

           I attended a boarding school and only saw my parents for three
           months per year. Everything was taken care of at school, and my
           mother’s challenge was to ensure I settled well while she focused on
           her work. Today’s scenario is different. While technology does offer
           conveniences, it also brings challenges such as managing children’s
            screen time and exposure to inappropriate content. I communicate
           with each of my children, emphasising the importance of responsible
            technology use. Setting boundaries is easier when they are young,
           but as they grow older, open communication works better than strict
           rules. Encouraging physical activities outdoors also helps reduce
            screen time. Teaching children about the benefits and risks of the
           digital world, privacy, and how to evaluate online content is crucial.
           I try to implement simple rules like ‘no phones at the dinner table’
           and ‘phones off at bedtime.’ Schools have also been helpful as they
           educate students on IT, including threats and opportunities.

                                                                to explain to them that I won’t be able to attend every school activity.
           How do you handle the other challenges inherent in motherhood   Over time, they have begun to understand and support my decision.
           It truly is overwhelming! We juggle demanding careers and family   In your opinion, what is it like to raise kids in this day and age?

           responsibilities, leading to stress and burnout. The cost of living has   Children today think and express themselves differently from us. Unlike
           increased, requiring dual incomes for many families. The pressure to   our generation, where we accepted everything without question, today
           excel in both your personal and professional life can be overwhelming.  they challenge us in ways that are both difficult, yet enjoyable. From
           Moreover, mothers today are more involved in their children’s education,  very young, they know a lot more, and every issue requires reasoning.
           attending school meetings, helping with homework, and managing   Discussing these issues with them allows us to learn from each other.
           extracurricular activities. As I freelance and take up some projects, I   This dynamic is both challenging and fun, as it provides opportunities
            try to be as involved with my kids as much as possible, but I also have   for mutual growth and understanding.

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