Page 69 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 7 | October - November 2024
P. 69

The  development  of  its  youth
            is essential for any society or
           community to thrive. How do you
            plan to reach the Namdhari youth
            through the Namdhari Youth Group,
           and what is this group all about?

           The Namdhari Youth Group traces its
           inspiration to His Holiness Sri Satguru Ram
           Singh Ji, our 12th Guru, a visionary who, in
            the 1800s, led profound social reforms for
            the Sikh community. His teachings on non-
           violence, compassion, and spiritual purity
           resonate deeply with the values upheld
           by the Namdhari Committee today. In
            this spirit, the Committee is committed
            to addressing the social challenges faced
           by modern-day youth, empowering them
            through spiritual guidance and community

           When our committee was elected this
           year, we made a promise to prioritise
           youth development during our two-year
            term. This group, rooted in Namdhari
            spirituality, meets often to host a variety of
           activities, including sports events, cultural
            programmes, musical performances,
           quizzes, and Punjabi language classes.
           We provide them with the necessary
           resources,  platforms,  and  guidance  to
            thrive. We are honoured to support the
           next generation, ensuring they continue
            to grow as spiritually grounded and socially
           responsible individuals.
                                              This allows us to work closely with the    Academically rigorous, MISB provides
           How did this  youth group come     youth movement, and we believe this will   personalised attention through small class
           about?  Was there a specific reason or   continue to grow in future even with the   sizes, allowing teachers to form strong
             need that made you want to form it?   next committee members; harnessing the   connections with their students. The
           Over 30 years ago, under the leadership   power of youth.             curriculum is complemented by a wide
           of His Holiness Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh                              range of co-curricular activities, encouraging
           Ji, the first  Naujawan (Youth) Group   One of the big ways that  you’re   the development of well-rounded individuals.
           was formed with over 200 members. This   helping to foster good values within   The school is accredited with Silver Status by
           marked a transformative period for the   the youth is the establishment of   the Education Department Trust in the UK,
           Namdhari community, with youth devoting   MISB. What are your future plans for   reflecting its commitment to maintaining
            themselves to prayers, selfless service, and     the school?         high standards of education. The school’s
           mutual support. When the next generation   MISB, established in 1997, is a not-for-  Board of Directors, primarily selected from
           emerged, His Holiness Sri Satguru Uday   profit private institution governed by the   the Namdhari Committee, oversees various
           Singh Ji continued this legacy, emphasising   Namdhari Sikh community. Located on a   operational departments.

            the importance of balancing spirituality,  three-acre campus in the Sukhumvit district,   Can you elaborate on other ways that
            physical health, mental well-being, and   the school provides a holistic educational   the Namdhari Committee supports
           community service (seva).          experience for students from diverse cultural   the youth of the committee?
                                              and linguistic backgrounds.
           In 2017, Satguru Ji convened a gathering of                           At the Namdhari Gurudwara, several youth-
           Namdhari youth at His residence to share   The school’s mission is to impart high-  oriented activities are organised, including
           His vision for empowering the younger   quality education while nurturing moral   Punjabi language classes, the study of
            generation.  This  meeting  sparked  the   values, shaping students into global   Gurbani  (holy scriptures), and Indian
            formation of a dedicated youth movement,  citizens who contribute to world peace   classical music classes, held every Sunday.
           bonded by a shared commitment to service   and progress. MISB fosters a close-knit   These classes are taught by dedicated
           and spiritual growth. At present, some of   community of nearly 500 students and   sevadars (volunteers) who offer their time as
            the youth members and organisers are   staff, creating an inclusive environment   part of their selfless service to the community.
           also in the Namdhari Committee.  In fact,  that embraces all nationalities and religions.  Weekly Gurudwara programmes also feature
            today, the Namdhari Committee includes   The school maintains a strict vegetarian/  kirtan (devotional hymns) and sermons
           one of the youngest members ever in the   plant-based policy and emphasises values   on Namdhari-Sikh history, with active
           history of the Namdhari Sangat of Thailand.  such as excellence, inclusion, respect, grace,  participation from the youth.
                                              compassion, and global citizenship.

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