Page 70 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 7 | October - November 2024
P. 70
The youth are encouraged to engage in seva
by taking part in activities such as cooking,
cleaning, washing utensils, and serving
langar (community meals). Additionally,
special events like donation drives and
other community service initiatives are held
regularly. More activities are planned to
further support the personal and spiritual
development of our youth.
The Namdhari Committee supports the
Namdhari Youth Group in its initiatives but
does not interfere in its day-to-day operations.
We maintain a collaborative relationship,
consulting with one another to ensure that
we are aligned in our mission to develop
the youth. Over time, the youth group has
expanded, welcoming new members as
older members move on due to professional
and personal commitments. This natural
cycle allows the group to evolve while
remaining unified by its shared purpose.
To foster growth, we focus on collaboration,
both within the Namdhari Sangat and
beyond. We engage with other Indian
diaspora communities, the Indian Embassy,
and Thai governmental bodies such as the
Ministry of Culture and The Department How has the youth movement Uday Singh Ji’s blessings. His Holiness’
of Religious Affairs. We also collaborate benefited the Namdhari Community, emphasis on developing the youth is our
closely with MISB, working together to and has it helped the youth reconnect strength. Satguru Ji loves spending time
promote shared values and leadership with their religious roots? with the youth and always wants to listen to
among the youth. And we always seek the Definitely. From the perspective of the them, and we feel blessed to see His passion
blessings and support of His Holiness Sri Namdhari Sangat, we can say that many in sharing His wisdom.
Satguru Uday Singh Ji. positive changes have taken place. All credit
Secondly, we ask our youth to share their
What differentiates the Namdhari must go to the youth group and the previous stories. We let the youth themselves tell their
Youth Group from others? Are there Namdhari Committee in supporting this side of stories and how their involvement
specific values you are hoping to movement. with the Youth Group has changed their
highlight through the events? We have seen changes; we’ve seen a lives for the better. We call this, ‘group
The Namdhari Youth Group is unique in heightened awareness and desire to learn wisdom.’ Moreover, we as Committee
its emphasis on simplicity, humility, and more about our faith and our roots. Parents, members realise the importance of unity.
spiritual practice. It promotes Naam Simran elders and youth themselves have been We have many goals that we would like
(recitation of God’s name), kirtan, and the looking forward to more events, and are to achieve, and we hope to do this by
study of Gurbani. The group is committed encouraging the Committee and Youth collaborating with the Embassy of India
to gender equality, social upliftment, and Group to do more. We are moreover in Bangkok and the Indian diaspora
environmental sustainability, with a strong beginning to see positive changes in the organisations and associations.
focus on vegetarianism and compassion for habits and lifestyle of our youth. There are many more goals that we want
all living beings. to achieve to help improve the lives of our
While not everyone is at the same level,
The group organises various activities, changes are certainly happening. We can Namdhari Sangat, and the youth movement
including religious boot camps, cultural see compassion and connections being is just one of the goals. There are other
performances, hymn recitals, seva in the made among the youth. However, there is parts of the community that we want to
Gurudwara, fundraising for those in need, a lot to be achieved and we could definitely take care of, for example the elderly. Today,
and environmental initiatives such as tree- use more help. Thailand is already an ageing society. That
planting projects. These activities serve to means our Namdhari Sangat is also ageing.
instil spiritual and social values in the youth, How do you see the future of There are many things that we can do to
fostering well-rounded individuals who are Namdhari youth and the community help our elders, and many others in our
equipped to contribute meaningfully to as a whole? community. We believe we can achieve
society. Firstly, we are blessed to have Sri Satguru great things through hard work, humility,
and faith in God.