Page 50 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 2 | December 2023 - January 2024
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Can you share a story or experience that
reaffirmed your passion for helping clients
with insurance needs?
There was a family in the community
whom I approached on three separate
occasions. For years, they were hesitant
to buy insurance, but since they knew my
husband, they agreed to hear me out, and
finally secured an insurance policy with AIA.
Years passed, then suddenly, one of their
sons suffered a severe heart attack at age
40. Fortunately, due to their comprehensive
policy, they received a payout of THB 3
million, covering the entire cost of treatment
and hospitalisation. After this unexpected
health crisis, the family expressed their
deepest gratitude to me. It made me feel
good and reaffirmed my passion and ability
to give my clients the best coverage they
How do you stay updated with the
latest developments and changes in the
insurance industry?
I attend international seminars for financial
professionals twice a year. The gold standard
for insurance industry advisors is the Million
Dollar Round Table (MDRT) global
conference, which was held in Singapore
this year. I also attend APLIC events in When I retire, I want
South Asia. Both these events are where I With the big increase in user data, insurers
learn about new innovations in the field. I have leveraged this to create more tailored to be known for my
also actively listen on YouTube, Google, products for the population. For example,
and various podcasts apps for advice that can countries like Singapore provide an service, dedication,
help me better understand my clients’ needs. insurance policy that covers up to 120 years and ability to help
How has technology impacted the or even more. This change is due to longer my customers acquire
insurance industry, and how do you life expectancies, with policies that can be
passed down through generations to ensure
leverage it in your role as a broker? financial security for families. financial security
Technology has revolutionised the way through insurance.
people can access insurance products and How important do you think it is for
services. The process used to require more of insurance professionals to be involved in
a personal touch, but now, clients are more community outreach?
empowered due to the information available It is essential for us to be involved in What legacy or impact do you hope to
on the internet. Thai celebrities sharing outreach. Rising medical costs are one of leave behind through your work in the
stories about health issues in their own the biggest obstacles for members of the insurance industry?
families have increased public awareness community to secure their health. While When I retire, I want to be known for my
of insurance products, and increased general inflation rises at 4 percent per year, service, dedication, and ability to help my
engagement as well. For me personally, medical inflation can increase by up to customers acquire financial security through
technology has dramatically streamlined my 7 percent per annum. Every year people insurance. While money is important, it
work process. I can communicate directly are living longer, but save less money. It must never be the driving force. This is
with clients via messenger apps, acquire is up to me as an insurance agent to get something that newcomers to the industry
e-signatures within seconds, and can people to think about a financial plan for should be aware of. If you are in it to make
utilise secure payment gateways to receive their lives. My job specifically takes into quick money, this is not the industry for
payments from anywhere in the world. account one’s financial situation, assets, you. Insurance brokerage requires trust-
income, and expenses in a process called building and real commitment to the clients
Additionally, technology has also shown me value creation, ensuring that upon the you serve. Being empathetic, and being a
things I never thought were possible. At the stakeholder’s death, their family will be person first will take you the farthest in
last MDRT event, I was surprised to see a appropriately compensated. By the time this field. It is this real
showcase of a virtual environment by Meta many think about insurance, it is already connection and sense VIEW VIDEO:
called the Metaverse. In this environment, too late. They are in a hospital bed, riddled of responsibility you
agents and clients were able to walk around with pre-existing conditions which make must possess, which
and strike deals all from the comfort of their them ineligible for any policies. It is up to will lead to success
own homes. me as a broker to reach out early and inform and financial rewards
them of the necessity of having insurance. for your clients.