Page 34 - Masala Lite Issue 160 April 2024
P. 34

                                                                        60 is Not the New 30

                                                  Dolly Koghar hints at the bumps awaiting around the corner from 60.

                                                      So, as a buddi, oldie, I’ll offer some tips which   extra attention to the feet when you walk, jog or
                                                      could’ve made my transition smoother from 60 to   Zumba; you’ll have occasional bursts of the two-
                                                      where I am now:                               left-feet syndrome, making you prone to tripping
                                                                                                    over imaginary level differences and obstructions.
                                                      You’ll not bounce up and out of the sofa like before,   Slow down all movements, even that of your hands,
                                                      now it’s a task heaving the derriere out of the   ‘cause you don’t want to drop things below what
                                                      indentation; it’ll need focus. So, switch off the TV;   your spine will allow you to bend till.
                                                      take a few deep breathes to synchronise the head,
                                                      lungs, heart, arms, and legs. Awaken the spine   The point I’m trying to make is that science predicts
        Along with the message wishing my daughter’s   by clasping your hands over your head and then       a maximum average healthy person’s
        bestie her 60th, I sent a grimace emoji and quipped,   stretching them towards the ceiling, pulling up   lifespan as 83 for now, which amounts
        “Life starts now.” She responded with, “Hahaha   the upper body and torso,                           to just about 30,000 days. So, even if I
        can’t agree with it,” to which I admitted that it was   then to loosen-up, arms                       do live that long, at my present age of
        a nice lie. The harsh reality is that sixty ain’t the   still outstretched, twist                       72, I’ve already blown most of it away,
        beginning to anything, but rather, a decline in the   the whole body side-to-                                  mostly in negativity and fear.
        abilities and agilities that once were the norm.   side, smooth and easy.                                       Now, I’m supposedly left
                                                      Before attempting to                                              with 4,500 days at most,
        Before I take you step by step down the challenges   stand up, take another                                     but you at 60 still have
        awaiting you, the sliver of cheer is that you are   deep breath, command                                      double those many days.
        amongst the fortunate 11 out of a hundred who’ve   the bladder to wait, while
        reached 60, with only eight still standing to make   you slide your butt forward                             So, my sincere advice as one
        it to 65. But statistics aren’t God, and you could   a good six inches away from                             who’s been there, but didn’t do it
        become the wrinkled and furrowed face featured   the sofa edge and then, slow-and-steady, stand-up   right is: put aside a substantial amount for your own
        in the Guinness World Book of Records as the oldest   and head towards the gusalkhana/loo. With this in   health and retirement home, and throw everything
        living person, although you, yourself, might be too   mind, for your next car, opt for an SUV with wider   else out – anger, regret, retaliation, accumulation
        far gone to comprehend the hype.              and higher seats rather than a sedan; the more   and competition. Although there’s absolutely
                                                      luxurious, the more difficult to climb in and out of,   nothing wrong with ambition and fun, the adage,
        After 60, firstly, the shot in the arm you got from   believe me!                           “stop to smell the flowers,” wasn’t a frivolous,
        the din and the chaos of a ‘shop-till-you-drop’                                             passing comment, but weighty advice to live each
        excursion, or from a drive to Ayutthaya or Pattaya   If you’ve been a regular jogger and a fitness freak,   moment fully, abundantly and joyfully. None of us
        for lunch followed by “I could have danced all night,”   keep it up, but no matter how many boot camps,   are here forever, but during this short sojourn, let’s
        at a club, is from another lifetime. Now it’s the   detoxes, and diet programmes you adopt, it’s   not stick our heads into our mobiles, but rather, look
        driver (if you can afford one) to pick up medicines   inevitable that the cool outfits you spent a bomb   up and out at the amazing creation that was meant
        or to the doctor, and Grab or Lazada for everything   on will eventually look like they aren’t yours. But   for us, as the only thinking, understanding and
        else, with the occasional B12 shots for energy boosts.   till that time, sweat it out in them, but do pay   perceiving species.

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 160 - APRIL 2024
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