Page 24 - Masala Lite Issue 164 August 2024
P. 24


                                                      reuse it another time. So you decide to stick the bindi
                                                      along the side of your mirror and “deal with it later” until
                                                      you have a dotted collection growing there. Only when
                                                      you do try to remove it, you now have the problem of the
                                                      super sticky bindi glue causing unsightly marks all over
                                                      your mirror. But you can always deal with that later too.

                                                      Heavy Indian Outfits Falling Off the Hanger
                                                      There needs to be a whole wing in our house dedicated
                An unreformed party girl and mother   to keeping our Indian clothes, or perhaps we should rent
                 of two,writer, editor and observer   out storage space for them. The sheer volume, size and
                     Sumati Huber tries to            details of the outfits are such that even normal clothes
                    make sense of our unique          hangers cannot sustain their weight. Trying to fold a
                Thai-Indian society and the aunties   massive lehenga skirt requires a personal trainer to help
                   that she will one day become.      you lift the different sections. The only feasible option
                                                      is putting our Indian attire in large garment bags, but
                                                      fitting all the elements in there is like trying to cut roti
                                                      with a knife and fork — impossible. So, we just stuff the
        What a Lazy Indian Girl’s Room Looks Like     clothes in our closet the best way we know how, and
                                                      hope it works out because chances are we wouldn’t dare   Things You Don’t Get Rid of, “Just in Case”
        Being an Indian girl is not always easy. We are required   to repeat the same outfits anyway.
        to conform to many cultural expectations and be                                             Remember those baggy kurtas your aunt gave you so
        domesticated as well. Part of that means maintaining  ‘Inappropriate’ Items Hidden in the Back of   you would look more presentable at the mandir? Or the
        our bedrooms and keeping it tidy. But that’s not always  a Drawer                           stacks of mismatched plastic bangles your well-meaning
        the reality when your room becomes your sanctuary                                           relatives brought back from India so you would always
        to unwind, relax and escape the world. Here are some   On the surface it looks innocent: a drawer with your   have something on your wrist? Or the camera, lighting
        elements you will find in a lazy Indian girl’s room:  folded pyjamas. But lurking underneath the innocuous   equipment, and tripod you purchased when you decided
                                                      items we have our ‘inappropriate’ things that we would   to be a fashion influencer for one week? Yes, all these
        Bindis Stuck Along the Side of The Mirror     never want our parents to see. Skimpy bikinis reserved   items you will never use are cluttering up your space
                                                      for beach trips with your friends, sheer crop tops you   because you think you may need it again one day. You
        After being forced to transform into our best Indian   would never dare put in the wash at home, a necklace   know you will never dare to appear in public with that
        selves for the many society functions we attend, there’s   your non-Indian boyfriend gifted you…No one would   frumpy kurta that makes you look completely out of
        the conundrum of where to put our bindi when we are   ever guess what’s hiding in there. You tense up every   touch with style, and you already have your go-to wrist
        done using it. Your room obviously looks like it was hit   time the drawer is opened for your freshly-laundered   stack that you wear daily. Perhaps you will only put on
        by a monsoon with the makeup, jewelry and outfits   pyjamas to be put back, but feel a sigh of relief when   these pointless things if you were filming a what not to
        you rifled through to get ready, and in that mess, you   it’s closed again without fuss. Make sure to warn your   wear video, but that will also require you to sort through
        definitely misplaced the bindi packet. But it would be a   maid that this drawer is off-limits and she never needs   the tangled cords of your discarded video equipment,
        waste to throw the bindi away because you can definitely   to reorganise it, let alone report anything to your mom.  and who has time for that?.

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 164 - AUGUST 2024
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