Page 24 - Masala Lite Issue 158 | February 2024
P. 24

24        SPILL THE CHAI

                                                                                                                     Business Owner

                                                                             I don’t know much about politics and
                                                                             don’t make a habit of reading the news.
                                                                             However, I cannot steer my eyes away
                                                                             from the casualties and the inhumane
                                                                             treatment of Palestinians at this point
                                                                             in time. I don’t care about any of the
                                                                             backstories, the  excuses, and  the
                                                                             justification of the merciless killing
                                                                             and despicable treatment of innocent
                                                                             civilians over there, particularly the
                                                                             children. I have realised that this is
                                                                             a line for me and my morality, and it
                                                                             has deeply affected the view I have of
                                                                             some of my friends. I am also aware
                                                                             that there are other sad issues in the
                                                                             world that are occurring, but this event
               Community members reveal how                                  is in our faces every day.
           they’ve kept friendships strong despite                             Life Tweaks to Accommodate this Realisation
           disagreements and modern-day trials.
                                                                             1.   Unfortunately, what is happening in Gaza is a genocide. Those that outwardly
                             BY AMORNRAT SIDHU                                   have defended the actions carried out by Israelis and the US in conversations
                                                                                 cannot be my friend – at least for now. I have distanced myself from them.
                                                                                 Rightly or wrongly, my opinion is that disproportionate punishment of people,
                                                                                 especially innocents, is just not okay, and it’s too extreme of an accommodation
         Friendships are on trial more than ever. Political circumstances, lifestyle choices,
        and life changes are a few of the factors that have tried and tested friendships.   for me to be around those that have the opposite view.
        What are a few of the factors that have rocked the boat on friendships and how   2.  Regarding my friends that are not speaking out outwardly about these ongoing
        did friends find their footing again? Thai-Indian community members speak out   events or are showing a disregard or disinterest in this, I have subconsciously
                              on this relatable matter.                          lowered my expectations of them. I am friends with them, but this situation
                                                                                 has shed a light on what people truly care about, what they would stand up for,
                                                                                 and where they draw the line; and I am honestly disappointed, in most people
                                             PIYAPHORN DOOWA                     and some of my friends.

                                                                                                                   RIMI CHHATPAR
                                          I am the oldest in my group of friends,                                  Make-up Artist
                                          and I was the first one to get married. I
                                          moved from Pattaya to Phuket to begin a                               Context
                                          new chapter of my life. Naturally, I had to                           I got married and moved to Hong Kong.
                                          adjust to a new lifestyle, which got lonely                           Moving out of Bangkok was relatively
                                          sometimes, and I was far removed from                                 easy for me initially, as I wanted to leave
                                          my friends.                                                           the community and explore before I even
                                                                                                                met my husband. However, I discovered
                                          Tips for Maintaining My Friendships
                                                                                                                quite quickly that I underestimated the
                                                                                                                ease and value of childhood friendships
                                          1.  I often communicated to my friends                                compared to friendships that you make
                                          that I am still the same person, and that                             as an adult.
                                          my schedule and circumstances have
                                          changed, not me. I asked them not to take                             Tips for Maintaining Friendships at
                                          my silence personally. By doing this, I was                           Home
                                          acknowledging the change and distance
                                          they might have been feeling from my move                             1.   I am not great at keeping in touch
                                          as well.
                                                                                                                consistently, which I know is a drawback
                                          2.  When I am unavailable, I give my friends                          of my own, but I was lucky enough to have
                                          a time that I will call them back, and I                              friends that were happy to reconnect
                                          actually do so. My friends and I often have                           more when I was in Bangkok than via
                                          video call dates with three or four of us on                          other platforms while I was away. They
                                          a call.                                                               and I both understood that life moved
                                                                                                                forward for both of us in our respective
                                          3.  The number of friends I keep in touch   places, and when we met again, it was a way to catch up and revisit all the great
                                          with has decreased – and that’s okay.   things that kept our bond intact in the first place.
                                          Initially, I was keeping in touch with a huge
                                          number of people. Now, I choose a few  2.  My connection with friends also changed from having many friends to very strong
                                          to update regularly and keep in the loop   bonds with a few. I have learnt that having a few friends by your side through
                                          because of other commitments and time   thick and thin is all that I need – it’s about quality, and not quantity.
        4.  With friends that I still dearly care about but am not able to keep in touch
            with regularly, I let them know in advance about my plans to visit. I show that
            I genuinely am looking forward to meet them. I put in the effort to plan a date
            and confirm the venue to show that I do care and that we vibe when we are
            together. I make sure that my planned time with them is uninterrupted.
        5.  My closest friends and I made a promise to one another to send at least one
            photo a day to the group. This picture could be of anything; a picture of a meal
            we made, a picture of one of us playing with a pet, anything. If we did not
            manage to send a picture that day, we owed everyone a small sum of money.
            This is a really fun and great way to keep in touch and feel part of each others’
            lives. The pictures can be conversation starters, but generally they are also self-
            explanatory, explaining what is going on without the tediousness of using words
            and formalities like, “Hi, how are you? What’s going on?” It’s a low-maintenance
            way of being in each others’ lives.

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 158 - FEBRUARY 2024
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