Page 25 - Masala Lite Issue 158 | February 2024
P. 25
Pharmacist CEO of Umpire Legal
Context Context
I attended university in Khon Kaen. From
meeting my friends every day in high My biggest friendship trials were when I was
school, I barely saw them during that setting up my firm. I started skipping social
period of time as they were in Bangkok. gatherings and dinners, and prioritising
I feared that my friends would carry on my work. Not long after that, I had three
without me; that I would lose my place children in the span of five years so my
in their lives. Furthermore, while I was entire focus naturally shifted to caring
missing them and seeing what I was for my little ones alongside juggling the
missing out on via social media, I had to business that I was building. Together, these
adjust to making and having Thai friends, factors contributed to a decline in some
which was a whole new ballgame. friendships that I had made through the
Tips for Maintaining My Friendships
Tips for Maintaining My Friendships
1. My connections dwindled to a few,
and I accepted that. 1. I came to see that my closest friends
in the world were, and continue to be,
2. My core friend group (4-6 of us) my mum and sister.
constantly kept in touch through
weekly phone calls, went on trips 2. I found a deeper appreciation for
during the holidays, sent gifts to the friends who were supportive
one another on special occasions, and understood my sacrifices. These
and sent care packages to each other turned into friendships that were low
during the COVID-19 pandemic. maintenance and could be carried
out in gaps of free time, and without
3. I was and am lucky to have friends meeting.
that accommodate me and are available for me when I visited Bangkok. They
would let me choose the places that I would want to go and clear their schedules 3. I became more open-minded when it came to friendships and expected less
for me. I am truly grateful for them. from friendships that were high maintenance or unsupportive.
Low maintenance, acceptance, quality over quantity, understanding, putting yourself in others’ shoes, managing
expectations and learning (oftentimes hard) lessons: these seem to be the key concepts repeatedly brought up,
and that hold more importance as life takes us through its changes. Friendships change. Yet, with a little creativity,
a lot of understanding, and some effort, our friendships will withstand big and small trials, and will continue to
be meaningful for all of us who value them.