Page 32 - Masala Lite Issue 158 | February 2024
P. 32

32                   CASH COURSE WITH ATUL                           The next time a crisis leads to sharp selling in the market, ask yourself the following

                TRYING TO BE FLAWLESS                                        The answer is often no.
                                                                             question: is the reason why prices are falling now going to keep them low in 10 years?

                                                Atul Sethi from              Letting Your Emotions Run Wild
                                                                             Many investing mistakes come from letting emotions play an outsized role in decision
                                              Farnam Tree gives              making. Controlling this will allow you to reap dividends immediately. Uncontrolled
                                                   his insight.              fear and greed put us in emotional states that obscure clear thinking. At its worst,
                                                                             fear dulls your appetite for risk and has a huge opportunity cost.
                                                                             A healthy dose of fear and greed is necessary. Successful investing requires you to
                                                                             not always conform to the masses. Fear reminds you to not jump aboard speculative
                                                                             investment schemes, while greed gives you the confidence required to purchase
                                                                             assets while everyone else is selling.
                                                                             Uncertainty is the root of emotional triggers. As the number of potential outcomes
                                                                             to a situation increases, our imagination plays out different scenarios that can unfold.
                                                                             Being objective is the best way to combat this, and my favourite method is to write
                                                                             things down. Since using an investment journal close to a decade ago, the clarity in
                                                                             my decision making went up greatly.
                                                                             Having No Information Filter
        Being too careful and with the aim of preventing mistakes is counterproductive in   Without being deliberate about what information you consume; it is easy to become
        investing. Risk is part of investing. Protecting yourself from adverse outcomes is   unsettled and for your mental boat to rock. All information is either from the source,
        futile, and only leads to suboptimal results.                        or through a lens. The latter comes with a narrative serving a purpose that might
                                                                             not align with yours. Do not blame the news outlets. They are just doing their job.
        Investment decisions require judgment based on limited information today, that are
        subject to numerous variables beyond your control tomorrow. It is for this reason   Remember, it is always best to go to the source and try to form your own opinion.
        that success in investing is compared to baseball. A 40 percent hit rate is exceptional.  Always be prepared to change course
        Depending on the type of investor you are and your strategy, the nature of errors   The world is in constant change, and it is perilous for investors to stand still. Knowing
        will differ. Once you recognise what the mistakes will look like, life becomes easier.   what types of mistakes you are exposed to and recognising them allows you to
        Investing in stocks requires making judgments on businesses, while buying index
                                                                             course correct. In any long-term pursuit, course correcting allows you to move to
        funds requires not as much of a thought process. The range of variables and outcomes   your destination in a more efficient manner. This means cutting out the weeds in
        defer greatly between both sets. In general, the more complexity, the more room   your investment portfolio by recognising that your thesis was wrong. Or staying put
        for mistakes, such as:
                                                                             when markets fall, and the headlines make you feel jittery.
        Assuming the Current Environment Will Persist                                                                           A longer form of
                                                                                                                                this article was
        In the middle of a crisis, it’s difficult to look past doom and gloom. Making decisions
        during these periods is a common investing error. When financial markets rally, it                                      published as a blog
        can seem like the party will never end. When markets crash, the alarm bells ring                                        post on Farnam
        louder by the day.                                                                                                      Tree’s website (www.
        Extreme conditions do warrant heightened attention, and this is true in investing                                       blog). You can read
        and otherwise. If there is a fire in the kitchen, next week’s meal plan quickly takes a                                 the full form on the
        backseat. The danger is when this causes tunnel vision. Investors panic and sell when                                   website.
        markets fall heavily because they cannot see past the current predicament. When
        people do this, they frequently sit out the eventual recovery in prices.

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 158 - FEBRUARY 2024
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