Page 34 - Masala Lite Issue 158 | February 2024
P. 34


                     Is Love Really a ‘Many-Splendored Thing’?

                           Dolly Koghar Dolly Koghar muses on how logic has diluted love.

                           Ours was an arranged       “Love is a many-splendored thing              Animals, despite
                            marriage, and as ‘modern’   It’s the April rose that only grows in the early spring  (or perhaps because
                            as modern could get all   Love is nature’s way of giving a reason to be living  of) the lack of the
                            those donkey-years ago,   The golden crown that makes a man a king”     so-called capacity
                            our parents let us teens                                                to think logically,
                            ‘date’ through the long   The point to note here is, if love makes man a king,   understand and
                           engagement. That is, we    why isn’t it sufficient for any of us? Why are we, who   imbibe love in
                          could see each other whenever   often profess undying love to someone or another,   a purer form;
                         then-hubby-dear-to-be was in   still in this relentless pursuit for money and fame –   unselfish and giving.
                       town from his college in India,   for a bigger house, or a Porsche that we can barely   Although they,
                     or the Singapore or Osaka offices.   climb into? Often, we throw caution and morals   too, spend their
                  On one rare, unchaperoned ‘date,’   to the wind and sometimes stoop low enough to   lives building nests
           my romantic self chose to watch the William   commit heinous crimes for that elusive fulfilment,   and nurturing their young,
        Holden and Jennifer Jones starrer, Love is a Many-  contentment, completeness, or whatever it was that   snuggling and nuzzling them, they neither stress
        Splendored Thing (1955), which could very well   we were searching for or expecting from love.  themselves nor their brood to go beyond survival
        have been a rerun, since Bangkok back then wasn’t                                           skills. They are practical and possess the sensibility to
        abreast of either Hollywood or Bollywood releases.   To our ‘developed, logical’ brain, love, like everything   effortlessly let go when it’s time, and unlike us, don’t
        Those days, our theatres screened predominantly   else, translates as a transaction, a give-and-take,   expect undying loyalty and obedience. Nor do they
        Thai movies, mostly of the scary, folklore genre, the   an action that expects a reaction; one that earns   cling on with the selfish assumption of servitude for
        most unforgettable being Mae Nak Phra Khanong   us something equivalent, or better still, in a larger   their old age from their offspring.
        (1992), after which the undead Lady Nak’s reign of   portion. We’ve worked ourselves into unrealistic and
        terror spread well outside the screen. Not even the   disillusioned expectations that are impossible to   The love of us mums for the children we bear is
                                                                                                    considered the purest and most unselfish form
        brave liked to drive by Phra Khanong soi 69 even   live up to, including by our children. In all honesty,
        mid-afternoon; it was eerie despite urbanisation   who amongst us can deny the soft spot we reserve   of love, along with the sacrifices it entails, but it
        creeping in and getting rid of the khlongs and the   for that one child who somewhat lives up to our   doesn’t come anywhere near close to the sacrifice
                                                                                                    of the humble arachnid mum from the stegodyphus
        lush trees lining both sides of the then-narrow   expectations, or at least tries to?
        Sukhumvit road.                                                                             lineatus species, who unflinchingly lets her 80-odd
                                                                                                    newly-hatched, voraciously hungry spiderlings eat
                                                      We are quick to fall in love and although we might
        Anyway, not-yet hubby was bored to death with the   deny it vehemently, even to ourselves, we are   away at her body as their first meal.
        soppy movie, while I sat enthralled; especially with   even quicker to fall out of love. The accelerating   So, in conclusion, we need to stop thinking too
        the titular, award-winning song, “Love Is a Many-  divorce rates are proof of this, as are the tales of   much, and just open our hearts to love and be loved.
        Splendored Thing” composed by Sammy Fain with   shattered friendships and relationships over the   Forget the whys and the whos and the whats and
        Paul Francis Webster’s lyrics. Half a century on, it   most trivial of incidences. But have our respective   the hows. Love is the one thing that the more given,
        still gives me goosebumps, its most famous lines   dogs ever slackened their wagging and joy at seeing   the more will come back. Definitely a profitable
        being:                                        us, however much they’re ignored or mistreated?   transaction.

                EY 1 to Ye  2

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        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 158 - FEBRUARY 2024
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