Page 24 - Masala Lite Issue 162 June 2024
P. 24

24       IN FOCUS



        Breakout artist King makes his mark in
        Southeast Asia.


            n the world of contemporary Indian music, King, AKA
            Arpan Kumar Chandel, has broken out as a prominent
            and transformative artist. From his humble beginnings
        in New Delhi to music royalty, King has crafted a unique
        musical ascent marked by resilience and an unwavering
        dedication to his craft. Being inspired by the likes of the
        Backstreet Boys, King is known for his versatility and
        charismatic stage presence, continually evolving his sound,
        and resonating deeply with fans around the world. In my
        conversation with him, King opened up about his early
        inspirations, the balancing act between a job and his musical
        aspirations, and the quintessential experiences that have
        shaped his career. He also shares insights into his creative
        process, the significance of his stage name, and what fans
        can expect from his upcoming album, MM. Join us as we
        delve into the story behind the artist and his message to
        his devoted ‘KingsClan,’ ahead of his highly-anticipated live
        debut in Bangkok.

        Tell us more about your early days and how you first
        got into music. What inspired you to start rapping and
        I fell in love with pop music at the age of four, listening to
                                                                             Your real name is Arpan Kumar Chandel, but you go by King. Can you share the
        the Backstreet Boys, Westlife, and Blue on a neighbour’s
                                                                             story behind your stage name?
        radio. Even though I didn’t understand English, I sang along
        with made-up lyrics. The sound captivated me, and I’ve been          I started a YouTube channel under the name King Rocco, but due to a miscommunication,
        studying it ever since. My musical tastes expanded to include        my name was listed simply as KING. I realized that my surname, Chandel, is similar
        retro Bollywood, rap, and R&B. By 10th grade, I started              to that of a clan monarch, and I wanted to embody the behaviour of a king through
        writing my own songs – early experiments in Punjabi rap,             my art and demeanour. I chose the name “KING” because it is simple to understand
        R&B, and bubblegum pop. I sometimes performed these for              and pronounce in various languages. However, before the regal persona, the hit songs,
        my classmates. However, I never thought music could be a             the sneaker endorsements, and the photoshoots, I was just Arpan – a painfully shy
        career. I didn’t feel like I could ask my parents to pay for music   young boy with rock star dreams and a keen awareness of the injustices in the world.
        lessons because they were already struggling financially.            My transformation into King is the kind of story pop-star myths are made of.

        Before your breakthrough, you had a government job in New Delhi. How did you   How do you approach creating a new track?
        balance your work with your passion for music during that period?    I’m quite free-flowing when it comes to creating my music. Sometimes, a lyrical idea
        I worked as a games attendant at an NDMC gym in New Delhi, helping athletes with   comes to me first, and I shape it into a song. Other times, I hear a beat that inspires
        the equipment and guiding them through workouts. The job paid INR 9,500 a month,  me, and I write a melody to go with it. I’m definitely a melody-driven person, even
        which felt substantial at the time. More importantly, it gave me a lot of free time   when I’m just listening to music.
        to focus on music, which I considered my ‘Plan B.’ I wanted a career where no one
                                                                             We also wanted to congratulate you on your upcoming album, MM! What new
        else could call the shots, where my talent would speak for itself. My modest salary
                                                                             genres and flavours should fans expect on this project? Are there any artists
        only allowed me to afford cheap studio time. In 2015, I started recording tracks and
                                                                             featured that you can reveal at this time?
        uploading them to YouTube under the name ‘King Rocco.’ I gradually built a small
        circle of supportive friends, including X Miikey, an engineering student who helped   MM is going to be a nostalgic revelation for my fans, as I’m almost going back to the
        me create a smoke bomb for my first-ever music video for a now-deleted track, aptly   kind of writing I started with. I can’t reveal the collaborative artists just yet, but they
        titled “KING.”                                                       will all be pleasant surprises for my fans and listeners. I’ve even made MM like I did
                                                                             in the good old times – on my home laptop, writing in my room.
        How did your experience on MTV Hustle shape your career?
                                                                             Your fans, known as the KingsClan, have been incredibly supportive throughout
        While halfway through a planned album titled Mashhoor, I got a life-changing call
                                                                             your meteoric rise. What can they expect from your first live show in Bangkok,
        to audition for MTV Hustle. Someone from MTV must have heard my songs. I went
                                                                             and do you have a message for your many fans here?
        to the audition without telling anyone, not even my parents, and somehow made
        it into the top 15. This audition and my time on the show were turning points in my   I am super excited to be making my Southeast Asia debut in Bangkok. It’s also my first
        career and artistry. I dropped “Rocco” from my name, stepping into the pop persona I   time in Bangkok, so I’m probably more excited about seeing my Thailand KingsClan
        always imagined. As my performances gained fans, I learned to transform myself into   than they are about seeing me! [Laughs] We’ve worked very hard on this current set
        a dynamic on-stage performer. I swapped black T-shirts for colourful shirts and bold   that my band and I are going to perform, so I can’t wait to honestly rage and party
        stylistic choices, pushing out any remaining self-doubt to make way for my ambitious   with everyone in Thailand.
        vision. Watching the first episode in a hotel room with the other contestants, I felt a
        deep sense of pride. I knew who I was, where I came from, and what it took to get me
                                                                                           VSK PRESENTS - KING LIVE IN BANGKOK FEAT. JUGGY D
        there. I had gone from a shy kid who avoided eye contact, to performing on television.
        Although I didn’t win the top spot (I came fourth), I left MTV Hustle with the skills   Date: Friday, 14 June 2024
        and confidence needed to succeed. One of my first releases after the show, “Tum   Time: 6.30pm             For more information or to buy
        Saath Rehna,” marked a shift into romantic pop ballads, showcasing my versatility.  Location: UOB LIVE     tickets, visit:
                                                                                     Price: Tickets start at THB 1,900  presents-king-live-bangkok

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 162 - JUNE 2024
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