Page 14 - Masala Lite Issue 161 May 2024
P. 14


            Surfing the sonic waves of
              India’s up-and-comers.

                     BY GRACE CLARKE                                                                        CONTEMPORARY

        Sun’s out, buns out, and the festival scene is hotter those   their sonic palette draws inspiration from iconic English
        high 40s. Coachella may have wrapped, but Summer Sonic   bands like The Cure and Slowdive. The band’s fluid   Aditi Veena, dubbed  Ditty, is
        is just around the corner, and trust us, the only thing hotter   musical identity mirrors their outlook on an unpredictable   a singer, songwriter, and urban
        than those sizzling lineups is the fire India’s underground   future, characterised by the delicacy of Aarifah’s vocals   ecologist based in New Delhi and
        music scene is spitting. So, ditch the Top 50 and your tired   and the potency of their lyrics. Their latest offering, the   Berlin.  In  2019,  she  released  her
        playlists because we’re here to inject your summer with a   EP “How the Mighty Will Fall,” serves as a poignant   debut album “Poetry Ceylon” that
        serious dose of aural coolness.                 exploration of contemporary uncertainties, featuring         was named ‘Album of the Year’ by
                                                                                                                     India Today. Ditty’s tracks echo the
                                                        standout tracks such as “Skin to Sea” and “Lovesong for
        We all know the thrill of unearthing a hidden gem, that                                                      essence of Joni Mitchell, weaving
                                                        an Apocalypse”.
        artist who blows up before anyone else catches on. It’s   Instagram: @longdistances.ig      gentle melodies with poignant lyrics addressing themes of
        like snagging that limited-edition sneaker before it sells                                  inclusion, capitalism, and environmental conservation. Her
        out, or discovering the coolest speakeasy before the           LO! PENINSULA                music creates a melodic journey, punctuated by emotive
        influencers flood it. That’s the vibe we’re serving: access    Esteemed among tastemakers, this   hums and instrumental flourishes, delivering powerful
        to India’s freshest sonic offerings. These rising artists are   band originating from Imphal stands   messages within a soft, atmospheric soundscape. Beyond
        making serious waves, from genre-bending fusion, to            at the forefront of India’s shoegaze   her music, she rocks carbon-neutral live shows, making a
        heart-pounding house beats and ethereal shoegaze. So,          scene. The trio seamlessly melds   green impact while sharing her art.
        grab those headphones, get ready to hit save, and prepare      shoegaze, psych rock, dream-pop,   Instagram: @heyyditty
        to become a music insider.                                     and the organic sounds of nature
                                                                       into their compositions. Their sonic          SHANTANU PANDIT
                                                                       concoctions, comprised of distinctive         This Delhi-based singer, songwriter,
                                                      fuzzy guitars and trance-inducing melodies, exude a laid-      and producer brings  you on a
        FUSION                                        back coolness, attributed to their hands-on, DIY approach      powerful journey of the self through
                                                      to production, which often arises from spontaneous jam         his music. His tracks delve deep into
                         Aksomaniac                   sessions. With their debut album “AKA Lo Peninsula” turning    the intricacies of personal growth,

                         Hailing from Trivandrum, this budding   heads since its 2018 release, the group continues to charm   mortality, and the fleeting nature of
                         musician, also an engineering student   audiences with its rich harmonic textures and immersive   existence. With a raw and unfiltered
                         and accomplished pianist, is making   atmospherics, enhanced by the vocalist’s raw, garage-like   approach, his songs resonate with
                         a splash in India’s music scene. His   energy.                             honesty, capturing the spectrum of emotions stirred by
                         work as a songwriter, vocalist, and   Instagram: @lopeninsula              life’s unpredictable twists and turns. Having debuted with
                         producer, showcases his hands-on                                           the EP “Skunk in the Cellar” in 2014, he further solidified
                         approach to music creation. His                    RAP & HIP-HOP           his presence in the music landscape with the release of his
                         sound is a skillful blend of R&B,                                          full-length album, “Milk Teeth” just three years ago.
        jazz, blues, and ambient influences, with his debut album      SHAUHARTY                    Instagram: @shantanman
       “Great Depression” serving as both a standalone work and        Delhi-based  underground  artist
        a soundtrack for a short film by did you eat pictures. The     Shauharty is innovating the                             HOUSE
        album features his mastery of the piano, intertwined with      domain with his sub-genre blend
        electronic and intelligent dance music (IDM) elements,         of alternative hip-hop. This artist             FAKE TATTOOS
        complemented by nods to dubstep.                               is cultivating the audio landscape            Residing in Bangalore, Samprukt
        Instagram: @aksomaniac                                         with new sounds and perspectives
                                                                                                                     Mohanty,  better  known  by  his
                         PAKSHEE                                       through his latest EP, “Paint it, Dull”.      stage  moniker  Fake Tattoos, is
                                                      Drawing inspiration from the iconic track “Paint it, Black”    causing a stir with his electrifying
                         Based in New Delhi, this dynamic   by The Rolling Stones, Shauharty infuses his music with   rhythms. Fusing elements of house
                         six-member ensemble is causing a   elements reminiscent of classic rock while paying homage   and techno with Eastern influences,
                         stir with their boundary-pushing   to the vibrant desi culture of the 70s and 80s. Through   this DJ is at the forefront of the
                         musical style. Seamlessly blending   gritty, hard-rocking vocals and fluid rap verses, the EP   scene, captivating audiences with
                         jazz, blues, and funk-pop influences,   evokes a profound sense of melancholy, juxtaposed with   his pulsating beats. Fake Tattoos is a regular fixture at
                         their music serves as a testament to   an underlying urgency. His adept use of soundscapes   Bangalore’s premier clubs, where he keeps the dance floors
                         the rich diversity within the medium.   creates tracks that are both introspective and energetically   alive with his infectious concoctions of sound. His latest
                         Pakshee, through their innovative   vibrant, inviting listeners into a world that is simultaneously   offering, “Unfazed”, comprises seven original tracks and
        fusion, skillfully weave elements of Hindustani and Carnatic   haunting and playful.        one remix, delivering a listening experience brimming with
        classical vocals in Hindi and Malayalam, underscoring their   Instagram: @nawaaabjaaan      bouncy rhythms and infectious grooves.
        ability to harmonise sounds into a cohesive listening journey.                              Instagram: @faketattoosmusic
        Their debut album, released in 2019, displays a mosaic of      THE SIEGE
        influences, from the velvety textures of smooth jazz to the                                                  ANYASA
        infectious rhythms of funk, marked by intricate drumming       A budding prominent figure in
        patterns and electrifying guitar riffs.                        Mumbai’s underground rap scene,               Anish Sood, known under his alias
        Instagram: @paksheeofficial                                    Siegen Moopanar, originally from              Anyasa, is taking his Indian Melodic
                                                                       Bangalore, is making a significant            House sounds to global heights. Born
        SHOEGAZE                                                       impact with his refreshing lyrical            and raised in the coastal state of Goa,
                                                                       narratives.  Drawing  from  his               this DJ remains deeply connected to
                                                                       South Indian heritage and urban
                                                                                                                     his roots, infusing classical Indian
                           LONG DISTANCES             sensibilities, he injects a distinctive flavour into his flows.   elements into his contemporary
                         Emerging onto the scene in 2022,   Departing from the clichés often associated with rap music,   electronica. The fusion of genres in
                         this fresh trio, comprised of Aarifah   he sheds light on the everyday struggles of the middle-class.  his music creates a mesmerising, almost cinematic ambiance,
                         Rebello, Zubin Pastakia, and Apurv   Since debuting in 2019, the artist has been steadily gaining   inviting listeners into a harmonious and dance-infused
                         Agrawal, injects a newfound vibrancy   momentum, culminating in the release of his latest EP,  journey. With three EPs under his belt: “Gaya”, “Athena”,
                         into  India’s  shoegaze  landscape.   “BHAAGNA, CHUHUPNA, DOOBNA,” last year, showcasing   and the latest, “Apollo”, Anyasa demonstrates a masterful
                         Fusing  elements  of  shoegaze  (a   his evolution as an artist unafraid to challenge conventions   command of elements that evoke a transcendent, almost
                         subgenre of indie and alternative   and offer a fresh perspective on contemporary life.   spiritual energy within his compositions.
                         pop), dream pop, and post-punk,   Instagram: @reallifesiege                Instagram: @anyasamusic

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 161 - MAY 2024
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