Page 14 - Masala Lite Issue 166 October 2024
P. 14

                                            Chef and Owner, Jhol

                                            In Thailand, we would be excited to do a
                                            collaboration menu with the curryhouse,
                                            Charmgang.  We  believe  that  both
                                            our styles of cuisine have so much in                               CHEF SANKET HOSKOTE
                                            common, and it will be a very interesting                           Executive Chef, Jharokha by Indus
                                            menu, drawing inspiration and similarities
                                            between coastal Indian and Thailand’s
                                            respective food cultures!                                           One restaurant that we would love to
                                                                                                                collaborate  with  in  Thailand  is  Gaa.
                                            From  India,  we’d  pick  Chef Thomas                               Known for its contemporary take on Indian
                                            Zacharias, the chef and founder of The                              cuisine using local Thai ingredients, Gaa’s
                                            Locavore. He has been an inspiration, and                           philosophy resonates with our approach at
                                            has contributed to bringing India’s regional                        Jharokha by Indus. A collaboration with
                                            cuisine and produce to the limelight.                               Gaa would highlight the synergy between
                                            Chef Thomas was with the The Bombay                                 Indian  and  Thai  culinary  traditions,

                                            Canteen for a very long time, which is one                          offering a unique cross-cultural dining
                                            of our favourite restaurants in India.                              experience.
                                                                                                                As for an Indian restaurant or chef we’d
                                         CHEF BHARATH                        most like to partner with, we would love to collaborate with Chef Varun Totlani
                                       SHRIDHAR BHAT                         from Masque in Mumbai. His progressive approach to Indian cuisine, with a focus
                                            Executive Chef, NILA             on foraging and sustainability, aligns with our vision of taking Indian food to new
                                                                             heights. The collaboration would allow us to explore India’s rich culinary diversity
        I would love to partner with my friends                              while creating dishes that are both rooted in tradition and modern innovation.
        from different Indian restaurants in
        Thailand such as Punjab Grill, Charcoal,                                                            PRIYA THAKRAL
        Jhol, Jharokha by Indus, Haoma, and                                                                Teacher and Counsellor
        Tambu so that we can showcase the
        best of Indian cuisine at one event, and                             I think a collaboration between Vaso
        give our guests an amazing experience,                               and Jhol could produce a cool culinary
        breaking any myths and general biases                                experience. Both, in my experience, are
        they may have about Indian cuisine.                                  big on flavour and innovation and might

        From India, I would jump at the chance                               offer some new and exciting fusion
        to collaborate with restaurants like                                 dishes. It would be a mash-up with the
        HOSA in Goa, and Avartana in ITC Royal                               potential to take my taste buds for a
        Bengal, Kolkata. I would also love to                                well-seasoned ride. I personally have
        collaborate with the famed Chef Rego,                                never had Indian-Spanish fusion food
        who brought the amazing Goan food                                    before, and it certainly sounds like a
        into the limelight.                                                  delicious  prospect  from  where  I’m
                                                                             standing. Elaichi churros, anyone?

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 166 - OCTOBER 2024
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