Page 16 - Masala Lite Issue 155 November 2023
P. 16
How did you first get into
y introduction to the sport of pickleball happened
purely by chance. I arrived at Asoke Sports Club pickleball, and what attracted
eager to play some beach volleyball with my you to the sport?
friends, only to realize we had booked the court for the wrong I had heard about pickleball
time. Initially, I was upset, but quickly, my disappointment turned for a while and saw that it was
to curiosity when I watched what looked like a hybrid game of tennis, gaining quite a bit in popularity.
ping pong, and badminton being played right next to the check-in counter. I was looking for an opportunity
Four players darted back and forth, colorful paddles in hand, moving in to give the sport a try, and then
tandem with one another. When one team member moved forward, the I found out they had multiple
other instantly retreated to the backcourt, seamlessly filling any gaps in their courts at asoke sports club.
defense. Each side rallied with agility and precision, conserving their energy What do you enjoy most about playing pickleball compared to other sports or
to dominate the other team. Before I knew it, 21 points had been scored and the activities?
game was over, and I instantly signed us up for the next round.
The sport is suitable for all the skill levels and is a very easy sport to pick up and learn.
The history of pickleball dates back to 1965 in Bainbridge Island, Washington, USA,
It’s a really fun activity to do with your friends and it definitely works up a sweat!
when the three inventors Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum were looking
for a creative way to entertain some guests. Since they had limited sports equipment,
they improvised by lowering a badminton net and using ping pong paddles and a
perforated plastic ball. Initially known as “paddle tennis,” it was renamed after their
family dog Pickles, a master fetcher of stray balls, and eventually became “pickleball”.
Quickly picking up steam in the Pacific Northwest and later sweeping the nation, SEA Regional Lead,
the sport continued to evolve as it gained popularity. In 1984, the USA Pickleball Madmen Digital
Association (USAPA) was formed which standardised the rules and promoted the
sport internationally. These rules included the size of the court which was set to 20 Do you have any advice for
feet wide by 44 feet long, roughly a third of the size of a tennis court. Games can newcomers looking to improve
be played in singles or doubles, and typically played to 11, 15, or 21 points. The game their pickleball game or join the
starts with an underhand serve behind the baseline, diagonal from the opponent pickleball community?
who receives it. The receiver can volley – hit the ball before it bounces – but only
Pickleball is a fun sport, so enjoy
outside the non-volley zone known as the “kitchen.” This is a 7-foot zone on each side
it. At the same time it does not
of the net where volleys are not allowed. The kitchen prevents players standing at
require a lot of effort, but don’t
the net and continuously volleying which would make the game one-sided, and also
let that make you lazy either. It is
makes the game safer by limiting hard close-range shots. For doubles games, there
a sport that you can play to stay
is a rotation which makes sure each player has an opportunity to serve. Moreover,
active and burn calories while
the game encourages “dinking,” which are soft, controlled shots that lead to longer
doing so. The game to an extent
rallies and force opponents to make errors.
requires more technique and less
Even though I exercise regularly, my shirt was soaked in sweat, and I was breathing force, which I feel adds to the
fast after a full game. The game is approachable for all ages, as the holes in the sport’s sophistication, it can be
ball make it bouncier and move slower than a tennis ball while still being a fun and very technical at times. Pickleball,
engaging cardiovascular workout. Pickleball requires stamina and endurance, upper for me, has been a great way to
and lower body strength, hand-eye coordination, and mental resilience. For those get back into playing badminton,
up to the challenge, Bangkok has many courts to choose from. Benjakitti Forest tennis, and squash - all sports
Park has five free courts at their new sports complex which can be booked ahead I grew up playing but have not
of time. Meanwhile, Asoke Sports Club in Sukhumvit 16 charges THB 600 per hour played in a very long time, so the
with basic tier paddles and balls available for free rental. Next, the Sirisuk Sports sport provided a nice segue.
& Social Club in Sathorn charges THB 200 per hour with ball rentals at THB 60. The What kind of equipment do you
Santisuk English School in Bang Kapi, the Shot Selections Beach Club in Ari, and use?
Beat Discovery in Udom Suk also have pickleball courts ranging from THB 200 to
When we started playing
THB 450 per hour.
pickleball in Bangkok, equipment
Requiring coordination and synergy amongst players, pickleball is a true team sport was not easily available, I
which already has a foothold in the desi community. We asked some current pickleball remember. I had a friend who got me a Franklin Signature Series Fiberglass Pickleball
players to tell us what makes the sport unique and worth trying out. Paddle with MaxGrit®️ from the US, which I have been using for quite some time
now. We usually just play with the Franklin Sports Outdoor Pickleballs - X-40
Pickleball Balls.