Page 26 - Masala Lite Issue 155 November 2023
P. 26


                                                         c.  6.30am because your father will never
                                                            let you leave any later than
                                                            12 hours before a flight.
                                                      2.   (Hardworking  +  Successful
                                                          woman) - Marriage partner =
                                                          Failure at life
                                                      3.   Going  out  for  a  party
             An unreformed party girl and mother of two,  tonight = You must stay
           writer, editor and observer Sumati Huber tries to  home tomorrow because
         make sense of our unique Thai-Indian society and the   what will people say if
                aunties that she will one day become.     you are seen frolicking two
                                                          nights in a row?

                                                      4.   Solve this problem: If Sanjana calls her threading lady   10.  Nine male friends are in a WhatsApp group chat,
                   Indian Equations                      on 5 November, how many dinners and social events   sending messages during a time that is supposed
        Indians are generally thought to be quite proficient at   can she attend before she needs to get threaded   to be vegetarian. What is the probability that the
        maths and the professions that come with it. But even   again?                                  conversation is discussing how hard it is to be
        if you failed at algebra or calculus (and brought shame   5.   Listed retail price divided by two = How Indians   vegetarian on that day?
        upon your family as a result), you may find redemption by   haggle for any item                 a.  100 percent and complaining that vegetarian
        realising that you are using important maths operations                                            food is just not that satisfying.
        all the time in your daily life. Here are some examples of   6.   Four appetisers x Eight main courses x Two Thai      b.  100 percent and sending pictures of the non-veg
        problems and equations that Indians are skilfully solving.   desserts x Two Indian sweets = When one guest   dishes that they will be eating as soon as this is over.
                                                          visits your home
        1.   If a plane departs at 6.30pm, and each passenger                                           c.   100 percent and making plans to meet at a meaty
           has packed three overweight bags filled with   7.   You eat two pieces of samosa at your mom’s house   restaurant the next day.
           questionable items like homemade spices and curry   and tell her, “Wow, this is delicious!” What number
           pastes, what time will you have to leave for the   did your mom multiply by for 50 pieces of that same
           airport?                                      samosa to show up on your doorstep the next day?
           a.  4.30am because you will need ample time to      8.   Important occasion where you are only allowed to
              repack your overweight luggage at the check-in   bring one guest + Being obligated to invite 15 of your
              counter.                                   closest relatives = How Indians show up to an event
           b.  5.30am because you plan to argue relentlessly   9.   If one family builds a hotel in a small neighbourhood,
              with the airport staff that it is totally fine to   then another family decides to follow suit, followed
              take food on a flight and you will not be paying   by eight more families opting to do the same, how
              the overweight fee.                         many hotels do you end up with on the same street?

                                                                                       STARTING FROM
                                                                                       12.6 MB


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        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 155 - NOVEMBER 202 3
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