Page 6 - Masala Lite Issue 157 January 2024
P. 6

CALENDAR                                      20 | Saturday

                                                      One of Bangkok’s largest
        1 | Monday                                    fundraisers is back, attracting
                                                      over 1,000 visitors from
                                                      the community in order
        Today and for the rest                        to raise funds for student-
        of the month, the fine
                                                      driving initiatives. The KIS
        dining experience at                          Community Fair, held at
        Akira Back Restaurant                         KIS International School,
        and  Bar of  Bangkok                          will be hosting a day filled
        Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park will be elevated with   with live music, international        27 | Saturday
        the introduction of Black winter truffles to a series
                                                      food vendors, family-friendly
        of dishes. Only available for dinner, the restaurant’s   activities, games, and crafts, as well as product vendors,   Garnering more prospective students, the KIS Open
        talented group of chefs aims to transport diners and   which include books, toys, games, clothing, gifts, and   House at the KIS International School will open its
        their tastebuds on an atmospheric stroll through cool,   more.                              grounds for visitors to appreciate the institution’s
        lush forests.                                                                               facilities and academic and extracurricular programmes,
                                                      Time: 2pm
        Time: 5.30pm to 10.30pm                       Price: THB 170                                led by a strong group of teachers who are essential to
        Price: Starting from THB 390++                For more information, visit  the school’s warm and welcoming educational space.
        For more information, visit their             international-school/anniversary-community-fair  Time: 9am to 1pm
        Instagram: @akirabackbkk                                                                    For more information, visit

        8 | Monday                                    25 | Thursday                                 3 February | Saturday
                                                      Today, the 2024 Asia
        If you’re an Asian woman                                                                    A highlighted fixture
                                                      Pacific Anmol Ratan
        interested in boosting your                                                                 on Thailand’s education
        knowledge in valuation                        Awards Night and Annual                       calendar, the 14th edition
                                                      Business Conclave will be
        and finance, AWR Lloyd is                                                                   of the ‘Study in India Expo’
        partnering with with A. Stotz                 held at the Rembrandt                         will host a larger delegation
                                                      Hotel & Suites Bangkok,
        to  sponsor  a  scholarship                                                                 of Indian boarding schools and
                                                      gathering entrepreneurs,
        programme for 25 Asian women through the ‘Valuation                                         universities, providing greater
        Master Class Boot Camp’ starting today. The Asian   key business figures,                   opportunities for students to
                                                      and industry leaders to
        Women in Valuation scholarship is powered by AWR                                            embark on new and enriching
        Lloyd, which was ranked 1st by Vault for Women and   exchange meaningful                    educational journeys. Today
                                                      business insight and
        Minorities in the Asia-Pacific consulting sector in 2023,                                   until tomorrow, the expo will be held at the Queen Sirikit
                                                      wisdom. The collaborative interactions will be in the
        and aims to empower women to master company                                                 National Convention Center, primarily showcasing the
        valuation and enter the workforce at higher levels of   company of the guest of honour, Dr Bu Abdullah from   benefits of studying in India for Thais, Thai-Indians and
                                                      the UAE.
        responsibility and pay. The deadline for the first part of                                  Indians living in Thailand.
        the application is 2 January. To apply for the scholarship   Time: 6pm onwards              Time: 10am to 6pm
        or for more info, visit:  For more information, visit
                                                                                                    For more information, visit

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 157 - JANUARY 2024
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