Page 44 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 6 | August - September 2024
P. 44
This move represents our commitment that are built to last, avoiding disposability.
to offering not just furniture but a For instance, our furniture is designed for
comprehensive approach to home lifestyle, long-term use and can be reupholstered or
including fitness and wellness solutions. repaired as needed.
We use FSC-certified wood and non-
What sets Euro Creations apart from other toxic, water-based paints, adhering to basic
luxury furniture companies, and how do sustainability standards. Our partners are
you choose the brands and pieces in your also committed to sustainability, producing
collection? annual reports that reflect their adherence to
Euro Creations differentiates itself by top practices. We have solar panels installed
offering a curated selection of over 30 high- in all our buildings and are awaiting proper
end brands such as Lutron, focusing on electric vehicle (EV) integration into
unique and premium pieces. We prioritise Thailand’s infrastructure.
brands that align with both international
standards and Thai tastes, ensuring that our How would you describe your leadership
collection is exclusive and relevant. This style, and what principles guide your
approach helps us cater to a niche market decision-making as a CEO?
while maintaining a high standard of design My leadership style is consensus-driven,
and quality. We avoid overlaps in our product which, while sometimes slower, ensures
range, meeting with brand representatives that the entire team is moving in the same
personally to understand their vision and direction. I believe that running fast alone
how it fits with our offerings. might get you far but not necessarily to the
right destination. Aligning the core team is
How do you ensure that Euro Creations essential for maintaining a unified approach,
maintains a consistently-high level of even if it means making decisions that
customer service, and what role does ‘white require more time to achieve consensus. This
glove installation’ play in this? method helps build a resilient and cohesive
To maintain high service levels, we handle organisation that can navigate challenges
all aspects of customer interaction in-house. effectively.
With over 300 employees, we manage
everything from smart home programming What do you do when you aren’t running
to wardrobe installations ourselves. This the company?
approach avoids the pitfalls of outsourcing, Beyond my role at Euro Creations, I also
such as training issues and staff turnover, oversee several service apartments in
and ensures consistency in service quality. Ekkamai and Thong Lo. But outside of work,
Our commitment includes direct personal I focus on spending time with my family. My
interactions with customers, providing wife and I welcomed our baby in January,
them with a reliable point of contact and and I’m now prioritising family time. I used
minimising frustrations like being put on to enjoy skiing in the French Alps, and sailing
hold. This personalised service is a core on the open seas, but my current focus is on
aspect of our ‘white glove installation’ enjoying time at home and embracing the
approach. “joy of missing out” (JOMO). This phase
of life is about being present and enjoying
What are the core values that drive Euro the moments with my family, including the
Creations, and how do they shape your significant sacrifices made by my wife to
business practices? raise our son.
Euro Creations is driven by values of
exceptional customer service and high-quality What personal goals or aspirations do
experiences. We cater to select clientele and you have for the next few years, both
focus on creating memorable experiences professionally and personally, and how
that foster word-of-mouth recommendations. do you envision your legacy in the industry?
Since 2006, we have maintained a consistent Professionally, I aim to continue expanding
approach to delivering top-notch service the company and managing the pressures
and products, targeting the upper echelons that come with being publicly traded. I plan
of the market. Our core values emphasise to focus on strategic decision-making and
a personable approach and dedication to stakeholder engagement. Personally, I look
excellence, ensuring that every interaction forward to maintaining my current balance
and product meets our high standards. of work and family life. My aspiration is to
leave a legacy of excellence in the luxury
In what ways does Euro Creations furniture industry, with Euro Creations
incorporate sustainability into its products reflecting our values and vision. We aim VIEW VIDEO:
and operations? to sustain our growth and impact while
Sustainability is a fundamental aspect of our maintaining our commitment to quality
operations. We focus on creating products and customer service.