Page 58 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 3 | February - March 2024
P. 58
Financial Advisor
Father to Kyara (3 years old) and Ava (8 months old)
In the hustle of daily life, finding time for family takes effort. But
because of my love for them, I make it a point to spend quality
time with my daughters, Kyara and Ava. I try my best to make this
journey simple but meaningful every time as I try to balance the
demands of work and family while creating precious moments.
For me, I first try to understand what my daughters need and
enjoy, and the answer is very simple: my full, attentive, childish
side. I become the storyteller, telling them stories of my beautiful
childhood experiences and the fairytales that every child is eager we pictured! We have a good laugh and enjoy ourselves everytime.
to hear, sometimes with the help of imaginative storybooks. We These simple moments teach not just cooking skills but also the
would do this everyday, on the way to school, before going to bed, importance of being together, communicating and organisation.
and sometimes in our free time.
Towards the end of the day, after cartoon time, bedtime approaches.
I encourage my daughters to be outdoors, playing in the garden I go up with Kyara and put her to sleep. Most of the time, I will tell
and to be close to the nature. I believe it is by far the best way for her a story, but sometimes we listen to calming music and she will
our children learn how to stay simple, humble, and care for things fall asleep beside me. After putting Kyara to sleep, I come down
that are out of their personal space. I love it when I see my Kyara to check to see if Ava is sound asleep. I usually sleep beside my
running around full of energy with a big smile on her face, while younger daughter whenever her nanny is on holiday. However,
Ava just smiles so bright with her curious eyes trying to observe changing diapers, making her milk, feeding her, and putting her
everything while being in my arms. back to sleep is difficult but I try my best to enjoy it because it is
Mealtime is a wonderful time for me as I love cooking for each my connection with little Ava.
member of my family, but cooking for my own children is another In the journey of being a dad, spending quality time with my three-
level of joy. Kyara loves eating food off my plate and everytime she and one-year-old daughters is a labour of love. Each shared moment,
sees me cook, she will run to help me. We often cook meals and whether regular or extraordinary, weaves a story of family bonds
sometime try baking together, even though it never turns out as and creates a foundation for a lifetime of cherished memories.
Father to Rehana and Suhana (both 16 years old)
and Anhad (5 years old)
Parental duties are a natural instinct when one has children. I’ve got
three: twin girls and a young boy. Rehana and Suhana are 16 years
old, and excelling in their final years of secondary school, doing the
International Baccalaureate (IB). As a father, I wish for them to
only succeed in life, from studying at the best of schools, gaining
admission at the top universities, and following their passions to
exciting futures ahead; they truly deserve it. A large portion of our
endless discussions are ensuring that they have their mindset on
progressing through life contentedly.
As for my son, Anhad (our nikka sher), he is currently full of
curiosity and has endless questions that need very good, logical
answers! The kids of today’s world are exposed to rapid growth,
and as parents, we need to keep up. It is important that values
are instilled in them and as a father, I do this by adopting a daily
nightly ritual with Anhad. We both sit together for almost an hour
just before bed time, for a quick recap of the day before reading
a book together. Our current favourite book is 52 Hukams by
Guru Gobind Singh Ji, which explains our Sikhi principles in a It is an exciting world out there for our kids. What they learn
simplified matter that is comprehensible to children. As parents, opens our horizons, and pushes us to learn too. At home, we
it is our duty to explain our Sikhi way of life to our families and always encourage healthy, open, real conversations without any
having the resources has made it easier. My wife Neesha and I filters. Just be yourself. I always remind my children that we live
both feel passionately about exposing our children to the right in a world of equality and humility. As a dad, I support them to be
path, which is what led us to develop Creative Singhs and Kaurs all-rounders. After all, our children are the world’s most valuable
to assist other parents too. resource, and we should always have their backs!