Page 56 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 8 | December - January 2025
P. 56

With pride, he explains that the company   I learn that their compassion extends to   Aloke recalls how the team acted swiftly In
            thrives as an extension of the Lohia family,  helping prisoners in Thailand, especially   Lopburi, where their PET and wool sites as

           where ethics and purpose are paramount.   female convicts who  nd themselves in dire   well as employees’ homes were underwater.
                                              straits. And in Bangkok, they provide essential   Despite the devastation and immense losses to
           “Our reputation is tied not just to our name   medical supplies such as wheelchairs and   their own operations, Suchitra  ew in to help

           but to the relationships we build and the   crutches to people who lack the simplest   build kitchens and supply twice-daily free
           contributions we make to society. That is the   necessities. Meanwhile, in Hua Hin on the   meals for months. In an extraordinary gesture,
           heart and soul of Indorama Ventures.”
                                              Burmese border, they brought light – literally   all employees received their salaries until
           What kind of community work does  – to a government school with no electricity.  the   oodwaters subsided and the factories
           Indorama Ventures do?              Installing solar panels not only powered the   were rebuilt. In more recent years, the
                                              school but also allowed students to use their   company sponsored the ultramodern cycling
           “It’s not just about doing business; it’s about   government-provided computers for the  rst   track around Suvarnabhumi International

            giving back,” Aloke says. “From spearheading   time. They also built the school’s  rst library,  Airport, a multi-million-baht investment that

            global recycling education initiatives to   a treasure trove of knowledge for 200 students.  is purely about giving back to the community.
            supporting underprivileged communities                               Aloke hands me a gold-framed picture of the
           in Thailand, the company’s impact is far-  Listening with admiration to their initiatives   cycling track’s inauguration, replete with now-
           reaching. We are deeply rooted in the belief   that span continents, I learn that in Ghana   King Rama X alongside Indorama Ventures
            that business must serve a higher purpose,”  they promote STEM education using kits that   representatives.
           he adds.                           allow children to build windmills. Closer to
                                              home in Thailand, another project provides   The company’s CSR efforts extend to
           While showing me pictures of the incredible   life-saving surgery for kids with cleft palates,  supporting activities that help position
           community work that Indorama Ventures   while the organisation has supplied clean   Thailand on the world stage. This year, they
           has been doing for years, each of which   water to countless villages across the country.  sponsored the Thai Amateur Weightlifting
            speaks a thousand words, Aloke walks me   Their response to the devastating  oods in   Association, which contributed to Thailand’s

            through their Corporate Social Responsibility   2011, which submerged much of northern   medals haul at the 2024 Summer Olympics,
           (CSR) and sustainability programmes. These   Bangkok, is particularly moving.   and they regularly sponsor Bangkok’s annual
           initiatives, he explains, are central to the                          International Festival of Dance & Music.
           company’s purpose of ‘reimagining chemistry
            together to create a better world.’ I ask him
           if this includes his recycling initiatives and
            global waste management programmes, of
           which there are plenty, and he kindly corrects
           me: “Recycling is our job. But what we do
            for the community is beyond our business of
           recycling and waste management.”
           His team, who have joined the conversation,
           describes with no small amount of awe, the
           company’s CSR programmes, which help
           communities that surround the company’s
           many sites, both local and global. In Texas,
           where some of their largest plants are found,
            their “Fish-o-Rama” events raised USD
           750,000 in 2023 to support local scholarships   Thonburi Lace - In 1959, Mr. Mohan Lal Lohia and his business partner, Mr. Bhagat Singh
           in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts,   Sethi, founded Thonburi Lace, a textile and lace manufacturing company,
           and  Mathematics  (STEAM)  education.   in Bangkok. Here, they watch a Royal entourage from the sidelines.
           In Rayong, the company found a creative
            solution to manage the surplus of mangosteens
           and rambutans produced by local farmers.
           The site team buys the excess produce,
           distributes it to employees, and ensures the

           community bene ts from additional revenue.
           “It’s a simple and effective way to support
           livelihoods, reduce waste, and give back to
           our people,” Aloke explains.
           His team also outline the work of the separate

           IVL Foundation, a non-pro t organisation
           co-founded by Aloke and his wife, which they
           describe as “pure philanthropy – helping for
            the sake of helping. It serves those who are
           extremely underprivileged, poor, and abused,”
            they tell me with pride.

                                                Suchitra Lohia presents a gift to a child bene ciary of the IVL Foundation - Since 2019,
                                                the IVL Foundation has supported Operation Smile Thailand by helping to fund surgery
              |  MASALA MAGAZINE DEC      JAN       for people with cleft palates.
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