Page 58 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 8 | December - January 2025
P. 58

The Tom Yum Kung Crisis, for example,
            taught us not to put all our eggs in one basket,
           and it pushed us to diversify and go overseas,
            setting the stage for our global reach.
           By embracing change, we’ve turned
           challenges into opportunities.” Here, Aloke
            stops to give a wry chuckle and acknowledge,
           “It’s easy to say every crisis is an opportunity,
           but a crisis is still a crisis, and you have to
           deal with it!”
           For example, when the industry peaked
           in  2022,  he  tells  me  that  they  realised
           it wouldn’t stay that way. “There were
           many supply chain disruptions because of
           COVID-19 but because we were a ‘local’
            global manufacturing company – the reason   A secure Lohia family legacy.
           we have factories all around the world –
           we weren’t affected by these disruptions.                              Our aim is to give back
           However, we recognised that it wouldn’t   management team, and an executive team   to the community; to
           last, and by 2023, when we saw our numbers   that has, “full ownership, accountability, and
            sliding, we prepared for it and made some   responsibility of the business,” is instrumental   use our privilege to
           bold decisions.” And here, I discover, is when   in Indorama Ventures’ success. For younger   ensure that we help
           Indorama Ventures, unencumbered by ego   readers, Aloke emphasises the importance
           or fear, announced that they would close   of leadership. “Management has a big role   those around us
            six factories and take an impairment of over   in success. Our success is not only because
           USD 1 billion. “We had to consider hard   of the Lohia family; it’s also the leadership
           questions like, ‘Are we admitting to having   and management.”        large supermarket like Walmart, a CEO of a
           made mistakes and buying the wrong assets?’                           waste management company, and a feedstock

           and ‘Will the banks now lose trust in us?’”   Another secret, he con des to me, is preparing   CEO, and we’re discussing how to reduce
           Aloke reveals. “Ultimately, we agreed that   for crises by keeping what he calls “dry   our carbon footprint together. You get to sit
           we had done the right things at the right   powder.” “Your balance sheet should be in   at that table only because you have the scale
            time. I got us to where we were, and now   order all the time. This gives comfort to all   to contribute.”
            that times were changing, we needed to   your stakeholders – whether it’s your lenders
           adapt. You must make these bold decisions   or your customers.”       What has been your experience as part of
           because you don’t want to carry unnecessary   Financial stability is vital in a challenging   the Indian diaspora in Thailand?
           weight on your shoulders, which will only   industry like plastics. “There are many threats   With pride and nostalgia, Aloke re ects on

           bog you down.” And now, Aloke tells me,   to plastics, and we must keep innovating and   the Indian community’s integration into Thai
            their market valuation is considerably better    nding new ways of making lower-carbon   society. “Over the decades, we’ve built deep

            than their industry peers, despite the worst   products. In Milan, we have a specialist unit   ties, contributing signi cantly to Thailand’s

           downturn in their industry’s history.   doing that – Indorama Ventures Investments   growth,” he says. “Indians now hold
           What  are  your  key  tenets  to  success,   & Holdings (IVIH). Why Milan? Because   prominent roles in Thailand’s private and
           launching your family business to a global   Europe is at the forefront of sustainability, and   public sectors, including positions as senators,

            powerhouse? And how do you sustain that   they’re the guys leading the charge.”  top of cials, and leading entrepreneurs. The
           legacy?                            Indorama Ventures is investing heavily in   future lies in mutual growth, and I urge my
                                                                                 fellow Indians to build bridges that bring our
           “Ultimately, Indorama Ventures’ success   sustainability, particularly in developing   two nations closer and help the Thai business
           comes down to three things: an     bio-circular raw materials to replace fossil-  community to contribute to, and bene t from,

           entrepreneurial family, a management team   based inputs. “I like to think that we are the   the Indian economy’s enormous potential.”

           with a growth mindset who are brilliant at   only out t in our industry who does this,”
           execution, and the ability to adapt to change,”   Aloke states. This investment in innovation   He also urged foreign business leaders to
           Aloke lists. Moreover, he highlights the   strengthens their relationship with customers,  embed new business ventures within the
           importance of meaningful engagement with   who are major household brands. “It’s not   local Thai community and culture from

           your customers, which he tells me is the only   only about manufacturing ef ciency and   the start, mirroring how Indorama Ventures’
           way to grow. “If your customers believe in   cost-competitiveness but also about what new   management worked diligently in the early
           your product, your competitiveness, and   products you are rolling out at that R&D level.  days to adapt to the local context – a practice
           your word, then they’ll stay with you,” he   The pressure is on everyone. The Walmarts  the company continued to apply as they
            says with conviction. “I like to believe that   of the world are concerned about plastic on   expanded into other countries.
           our relationship with our customers is   the shelves. Those plastics are coming from
           more personal, more long-term, and more   the brand owners, and they look to us for help.”  VIEW  VIDEO/
            strategic. That’s how we’ve been able to   The company’s global scale, he explains,   IMAGE GALLERY
            grow,” he says. This synergy between an   makes it easier. “There are times where
           entrepreneurial family, a high-performing   I’m sitting with a brand owner, a CEO of a

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