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nearly every day. It took a toll on my life and I started to become depressed.
But with the support of my family, ancé and his family and my close friends,
I began to realise that this is not the way I should be dealing with my illnesses.
Someone once told me that life is lled with stepping stones, and once I have
crossed over all the stones, I will have crossed a mountain. Little did I know
that as I passed each stone, I would learn more about life and gain more clarity
and con dence in God.
Instead of worrying about what will happen in the next few weeks, months
or years I learned how to take each day, one day at a time. Instead of feeling
I was cursed every day, I changed my entire outlook on life. Every day is a
blessing in my eyes and every obstacle a lesson that makes me a better and
stronger person.
When you have a lot of struggles in your life, do not let them bring you down and
make you feel any less important than everyone else. Each person is ghting
their own battles and no one lives a life that is “perfect”. There is no such thing as
perfect. Therefore, remember to be kind and humble to everyone. A little bit of
kindness may be the one thing that makes that person’s day, or even week.
Life can be fantastic one day then awful the next. In between
The Fight the fantastic and awful days are routine and average days. Hold
onto the fantastic days and appreciate every minute. Breathe
You were born to through the awful days and remind yourself that everything is
learn, conquer, eventually going to be all right. Relax and strengthen your mind
prosper and thrive during the okay days. After all, this is life. Nobody said life would
in life. Remember be easy but they promised it would be worth it. Once I changed
that time when my perspective to be more positive, I became a very strong and
someone told you courageous woman.
that the world is A lot of my visits to cardiologists are lled with jokes and laughter.
your oyster? It truly is but so are your feelings. You choose I have become a woman who is content and settled. This does not
how you want to live. Choose to be HAPPY NOW. You owe it mean I no longer have bad days any more. There are days that are
to yourself. You are your own warrior. Don’t worry too much awful and painful, but with this mentality I am able to cope better,
about what others think about you, because what you think as well as control my thoughts and feelings. I enjoy every minute of
about yourself means everything. It is not possible for my life. I choose to be happy rather than stressful and worry about
everyone to understand the journey you are on and that’s my problems. My health is far from perfect but I have accepted it.
okay. Your purpose in life is to live it and make the most of I accept myself for who I am, and I am trying to create the best life
it, not make everyone understand. Listen to your heart and for myself.
live the life you want to live. When you face a problem, FIGHT
and remember this too shall pass. As for what’s in store for me in the future, I will worry about it when I
have to. As of now, I choose happiness.
Sinus tachycardia – treated and resolved
De nition: a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute
that comes from the sinus node, the heart’s natural
pacemaker. The rhythm is regular.
Symptoms that I had: palpitations (a feeling that my heart
was racing), breathlessness, light-headedness and fainting.
My Medical Check Sheet How I was treated for this: initially medication, including
beta-blockers and calcium-channel blockers, followed by an
My Medica Check Sheet is for those of you who would like to read epicardial and endocardial ablation of the sinus node as the
more about the heart conditions I su er from. symptoms persisted despite taking medication.
All de nitions have been retrieved from, Interesting fact: my heart rate would sometimes go up to and the Mayo Clinic. 250 beats per minute. | 55