P. 56

My happy moments during    University graduation  High school graduation  Engagement dinner with my family
                    university abroad                                                      and in-laws
                  Sick sinus syndrome – treated and resolved          POTS – Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome – ongoing illness

                    De nition: a group of heart arrhythmias in which the sinus   De nition: a form of orthostatic intolerance that is
                    node does not work properly. Normally, the sinus node   associated with the presence of excessive tachycardia
                    produces a steady pace of regular electrical impulses. In sick   and many other symptoms upon standing.
                    sinus syndrome, these signals are abnormally paced.
                                                                         Symptoms that I su er from: light-headedness and
                    Symptoms that I had: loss of consciousness, severe   dizziness when I change postures from standing to
                    symptomatic bradycardia and hypotension.             sitting, or vice versa, inability to stand for long periods
                                                                         of time, blood pooling in the lower extremities and
                    How I was treated: dual chamber pacemaker            tachycardia when changing posture.

                                                                         How I am being treated for this: medication and
                  Atrial tachycardia – ongoing illness                   compression socks that go from my toes up to my
                                                                         stomach to push the blood upwards.
                    De nition: a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute
                    that comes from the upper chambers (atrium) of the heart,   Self-management: change posture slowly and train the
                    also known as supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).    body to be able to stand for longer periods of time. Start
                                                                         by standing up 20 minutes non-stop for a week and
                    Symptoms that I su er from: palpitations, extreme   gradually increase it to an hour.
                    tiredness and fainting spells.
                                                                         Interesting fact: POTS a ects more women than men with
                    How I am being treated for this: initially medication,   a female-to-male ratio of 5:1.
                    including beta-blockers and calcium-channel blockers,
                    followed by an epicardial ablation of a part of my upper
                    chambers and  nally back to medication.           Dysautonomia – ongoing illness
                                                                         De nition: dysautonomia is an umbrella term used to
                    Self-management: Carotid sinus massage – use your    describe several di erent medical conditions that cause
                     ngers to apply pressure on the side of your neck where the   a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The
                    carotid artery splits into two branches. Only apply pressure   autonomic nervous system controls the “automatic”
                    one side at a time. If you apply pressure on both sides at   functions of the body that we do not consciously think
                    the same time, you will put yourself at risk for a stroke.
                                                                         about, such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion,
                    Interesting fact: SVT is the most common form of     dilation and constriction of the pupils of the eye,
                    arrhythmia and is more frequent in females than males.  kidney function and temperature control. People with
                                                                         dysautonomia are unable to regulate these systems that
                                                                         result in problems.
                   Ventricular tachycardia – ongoing illness
                                                                         Symptoms that I su er from: POTS, all forms of
                     De nition: an arrhythmia caused by abnormal electrical   tachycardia listed above, vomiting, acid re ux, rashes,
                     signals in the lower chambers of the heart (ventricles).   light-headedness, severe drop in blood pressure and
                     During ventricular tachycardia, abnormal electrical   extreme fatigue.
                     signals in the ventricles cause the heart to beat faster
                     than normal and out of sync with the upper chambers.   There is no cure for dysautonomia. I am being treated
                     When this happens, the heart usually is not able to pump   based on my symptoms.
                     enough blood to your body and the heart does not have   Interesting fact: this syndrome a ects multiple organs,
                     time to  ll properly.
                                                                         and for me it all comes at the same time. Typically, it
                     Symptoms that I su er from: fainting, light-headedness,   starts with tachycardia, followed by a severe drop in blood
                     palpitations, a feeling of being choked and chest pains.   pressure, then vomiting and acid re ux and lastly extreme
                                                                         fatigue. Most patients take years to get diagnosed due to
                     How I am being treated for this: medication.        lack of awareness regarding this syndrome.

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