Page 32 - Masala Lite Issue 164 August 2024
P. 32

SUSTAINABLY                                            3. The perfume industry does not require any external assessment; the industry

                        STYLISH                                                4. The toxins in fragrance can also cause environmental hazards – chemical vapours
                                                                                 regulates itself. This means that safety testing currently is either not mandatory
                                                                                 or it is not done in an efficient way before products are sold to consumers.

                                                                                 found in perfumes, known as volatile organic compounds, have been linked to
                                                                                 ozone pollution. A study found that emissions from volatile chemicals in perfumes,
                                                                                 paints, and other scented consumer items now rival vehicles as a pollution
                                                                                 source in greater Los Angeles, according to a study by the National Oceanic and
                                                                                 Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Even though 15 times more petroleum
                                          PERFUME                                is consumed as fuel than is used as an ingredient in industrial and consumer
                                                                                 products, the amount of chemical vapours emitted into the atmosphere in
                                             POISON                              scented products is roughly the same, according to Brian McDonald, a scientist
                                                                                 working at NOAA and lead author of the study.
                                                                               5. A good smell does not indicate that the perfume is natural and clean. There are
                                        Aparna Sharma helps us                   soaps which may have fresh smells, like lime, but this does not mean that all
                                      understand the toxic reality               the ingredients used to make that product are clean.
                                               of perfumes.                         How Can You Smell Good Without Using Chemical-Based Perfumes?
                                                                                     The answer to this is simple: you can DIY your own perfume using different
                                                                                     essential oils, or buy from brands which practice 100 percent transparency
                                                                                        and traceability of their ingredient list and supply chain. There are a lot
        I have to admit that I wasn’t aware of the toxic chemicals in perfumes and scent
        oils sold for diffusers till my friend recently told me about it. When this topic was   of blogs on the internet which show you in detail the entire procedure
        suggested to me for my next column, I took this as a sign for me to learn more about   required to make any natural essential oil-based perfume of your choice.
        the murky world of chemicals in our favourite perfumes. As a disclaimer, I’m not a   If you don’t enjoy DIY, you can easily find brands which sell natural
        perfume person; I have always preferred natural essential oils, and that is probably   perfume blends, and which clearly share all the ingredients. One of
        a reason for my ignorance on how toxic perfumes can be.                             my favourite brands for everything organic and natural in Bangkok
                                                                                                        is Bangkok Soap Opera. I personally love their
        Are you aware that the chemicals in perfumes are linked to a high number of
        health risks? There have been multiple research papers indicating that the                      products, and always take them as gifts when I
                                                                                                        travel. I also buy natural body sprays from Forest
        synthetic chemicals in perfumes can trigger asthma and other allergies, and
                                                                                                             Essentials,  Juicy  Chemistry,  and  Kama
        that these chemicals are classified as neurotoxins and carcinogens. Here are
        five interesting facts about the perfume industry.                                                     Organic in India. Aside from these ones,
                                                                                                               which I’ve been personally using for the
          1.  The toxins in perfumes can pass from skin into the bloodstream.                                  past few years, I’m sure there are many
            When chemicals get absorbed by the skin, it can cause                                              more brands that have a good selection of
            irritation and other skin diseases. These can span rashes,                                           smells and use clean ingredients.
            skin cancers, skin infections, skin injuries, and more. The
            speed at which skin absorbs chemicals depends largely on
            the outer layer of the skin, called the stratum corneum.
          2. Manufacturers are not required to be transparent in the perfume label as per the   Aparna Sharma is a non-conformist who believes that fashion must become a
            government regulations. This is because the ingredients are considered a ‘trade   force for good and style must meet sustainability. She breaks down the
            secret,’ but this allows for gross misuse, and the consumer has no idea about   nuances of slow fashion and how we can stay stylish without being trendy.
            the amount of toxic chemicals which went into making the perfume bottle.
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