Page 14 - Masala Lite Issue 157 January 2024
P. 14


                                                                                                    RASMEET SACHDEJ

                                                                                                  Motherhood has profoundly changed every aspect of
           Community members reveal how                                                            my life. I often say I didn’t give birth to my daughter;
                                                                                                    she gave birth to the mum and woman in me I never
            motherhood has changed them.                                                              knew existed. As a young mother with minimal help,
                                                                                                       I remember always feeling overwhelmed, scared,
                                                                                                       and exhausted  while managing her newborn
                      BY NARISA PHICHITSINGH                                                            stages, doubting my abilities constantly. After
                                                                                                        having my second child, I was able to calm down
                                                                                                         and enjoy the moments more. These are a few
               he moment one becomes a mother, one is forever changed.                                   lessons I learned in my motherhood journey:

               And one can simply never go back to that pre-motherhood
                                                                                                         Doing Something for Myself: I started my
               point. I quickly learned and experienced that the physical,
                                                                                                        own business when she was six months old, as
        emotional and mindset changes of becoming a mother are
                                                                                                        I needed something to  which I could divert
        unmatched by any other major life event. Not only are all my
                                                                                                        my attention. It really helped me stay sane
        online searches regarding my daughter, my level of protectiveness                              and became my business and creative outlet.
        and my daily routines are forever challenged and altered. I start my
        day at 5am to my daughter’s voice saying, “Mama, Mama, Mama,”                                Trusting My Gut Instincts: Mums, new and experienced,
        telling me, in the best way she knows how at this age, “I’m awake!                          always receive a wave of unsolicited advice that can
        I’m awake! Now let’s go out and play!” Instead of sleeping in on                           drown out confidence. No child is the same, so what
        the weekends, I am playing slider with my 14-month-old at 6am, I                          works for others might not work for you, and vice versa.

        spend my free time pumping each night so my daughter can receive
                                                                                                  Realising the Learning Journey: I was learning how to be a
        as many antibodies as possible, and I watch potty-training videos
                                                                                                 mum while still discovering who I was as a woman, which
        instead of the latest shows on Netflix.
                                                                                             meant making mistakes along the way and accepting myself.
        Apart from all the fun that we have each day and the new bond that
                                                                                            Recognising Strengths and Weaknesses: Being okay with asking
        we share, my husband and I also have numerous heavy conversations
                                                                             and receiving help, recognising that I don’t have to do everything for my children
        about her growth, nutrition, and development, and how we can
                                                                             all the time, and that doesn’t make me a bad mum.
        provide our toddler with a good childhood. Like all mothers on this
        earth, we worry, we plan, we obsess, we laugh, and we constantly     Finding a Balance: Balancing my life and goals while giving quality time to my kids
        try to balance it all. I talked with three other mothers who are role   because a happy mum means happy kids.
        models to me about how they have evolved through motherhood.
                                                                             Emotional Regulation: Learning how to regulate my emotions and deal with
                                                                             my insecurities so I don’t pass it on to my kids – a lesson I wish I grasped earlier.

                                                                             Giving Support to Other Mums: Extending support, acknowledgment, a helping hand,
                                                                             and grace to other mums because we are all trying to do our best with the deck of

                                  JASNAM SACHATHEP                           cards we have. In the ongoing journey of motherhood, these lessons have shaped my

                                                                             growth, resilience, and unwavering commitment to doing my best for my children
                                                                             while fostering support for fellow mums.
                                   We’ve all heard the phrase, “hands full, hearts full.”
                                    That’s literally been motherhood for me. I have
                                     two kiddos, Kavi who is turning five and Jaanvi                                                                         RANI SACHDEV
                                      who is turning three. Anyone with a toddler
                                       knows that life is a rollercoaster, and so can
                                       you imagine having two? I’m a very family-  Before becoming a mom, I did not fully understand
                                        oriented person, so my kids are my life but   the work, energy, and sacrifice that went into the role
                                        as they grow and change, parenting only   of a mother. Motherhood changed me in the best
                                         becomes that much more challenging with   way possible. I had no idea it was possible to love
                                         each phase of life. I have had to really keep   someone so deeply and profoundly that I would
                                         my calm and forgo many things. I’ve had to   never be the same again. Motherhood has this
                                         refocus my values to make sure they align   way of making me more easygoing, adaptable,
                                         with the way I raise my kids. I constantly try   and in tune with my instincts. I learnt that things
                                         to remind myself to be the best version of   don’t have to be perfect.
                                         me that I can be, as my kids will eventually
                                        become my ‘mini mes!’                For example, my daily routine is completely
                                                                             thrown off now! Spontaneous hangouts and
                                       I am a spontaneous and social butterfly by   late nights are not as frequent, but I’ve learned
                                       nature, and having kids places limitations on   to embrace the unpredictability. On the work
                                      that since I choose to put them first. My social   front, I’ve transitioned to part-time, ensuring I
                                     scene had to be carefully optimised and now   have more days to dive into adventures with my
                                    includes my kids!
                                                                             son. It’s a bit of a juggling act, but it strikes a balance,
                                   In terms of my marriage, I have really had to prioritise   allowing me to savour the precious mum moments
                                  time with my husband. Having a conversation is not   while staying connected with my professional side.
                                  as easy as before with ears everywhere (literally) and   The beauty lies in navigating this new chapter with
                                  constantly-divided attention. I have had to really   flexibility, embracing imperfections, and cherishing
                              learn how to give my time and attention to both my kids   the authentic joy that motherhood brings. It’s a wild
                             and my husband in a healthy and happy manner.   ride, but one that I wouldn’t trade for anything!
        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 157 - JANUARY 2024
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