Page 18 - Masala Lite Issue 157 January 2024
P. 18

18       WHAT’S UP, BANGKOK?


                                           Mahmood Hossain brings you the latest offerings you need to know.

                        NEW TEA HOUSE                NEW ITALIAN LOUNGE             NEW COMMUNITY SPACE                    NEW TEQUILA BRAND

         The Asiatique Ancient Tea House    At Piccolo Morso, you’re welcomed   The century-old Chai Phatthanasilp   Launched in 2021 and promptly
         may be situated in a 111-year-old   into a two-storey space with      building has been rejuvenated,    selling out within four hours, 818
         heritage house, but it also provides   everything Italian. Injected into the   becoming home to the recently-  Tequila is the brainchild of Kendall
         guests with modern luxury by the   buzzing Nana nightlife, the newly-  launched The Corner House, a     Jenner, who is bringing the tequila
         River of Kings, at Asiatique the   opened aperitivo lounge provides   community and lifestyle space     brand to Bangkok for the first time.
         Riverside. Bangkok Marriott        Italian spirits, cocktails, aperitifs,   celebrating art and culture. Champ-  This 100-percent sourced agave from
         Marquis Queen’s Park recently      and of course, a list of wines.    Sukrit Sornhiran and Ping Thitipa   Jalisco, Mexico, swept international
         launched the new dim-sum           Situated in the alley behind Soho   Sornhiaran, the third generation   awards since its launch, including the
         restaurant, with a stylish cocktail   Pizza, this lounge aims to be a top   heirs of the family, created the   title for best reposado at the World
         lounge, to take visitors on a culinary   contender against already-popular   new community space to house   Tequila Awards. With handpicked
         journey through a menu curated by   establishments in Sukhumvit by   collaborative showcases, food      ingredients, cooked in traditional
         the hotel’s award-winning Pagoda   introducing live music, DJs, and other   markets, entertainment, artistic   brick ovens, and aged in oak barrels,
         Chinese Restaurant. Based on the   performances. All are welcome      workshops and exhibitions, and much   818 Tequila currently comes in Tequila
         story of Emperor Shen Nong, who    to discover the authentic Italian   more. Using art as the driving force,   Blanco, Tequila Reposado, Tequila
         first discovered tea 4,000 years   aperitivo tradition, connecting   the new space looks to champion    Anejo, and a beautiful blend of notes
         ago, expect an array of global tea   people over food, drinks, and diverse   local creativity, “where concept and   in the Eight Reserve. You can find
         collections in what they call their   cultures.                      creating converge” in every single   the 818 bottles at Rim Shot Bar,
        “living museum for tea enthusiasts.”  Instagram: @piccolomorsobangkok  inch of the property.             Thaipioka, and Paper Plane Project.
         Instagram: @ancientteahousebkk                                        Instagram: @thecornerhouse.bangkok   Instagram: @drink818

                                                                      'YUMCHA STEAMKING - RATCHAPRUEK BRANCH.'

                                                                          is the Chinese Restaurant Group under Actopia Hospitality.
                                                                        ‘YUMCHA’ is a traditional dining practice popular in Hong Kong
                                                                               when people ‘drink tea’ with basket of steamed or
                                                                             pan-fried ‘Dimsum’.The heart of ‘YUMCHA’ is not just
                                                                             the food itself but the friendship amongst friends and
                                                                                 family that casually cultivated around the table.

                                                                              BUFFET STARTS                             for more details


                                                                           with over 30 variation of
                                                                     steamed, fried and baked dimsum.
                                                                      Come with the course is platter of
                                                                             Hongkong style BBQ.

                 LOCATION : 2 fl., Lotus’s North Ratchapruek
                 OPENING HOURS : Daily 10:00-21:00

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 157 - JANUARY 2024
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