Page 32 - Masala Lite Issue 157 January 2024
P. 32

SUSTAINABLY                                   they want us to feel like we are constantly missing out on monthly or even weekly
                                                                             trends, but the reality is that you’re not missing out on anything.
                               STYLISH                                       The best way to move away from this cycle of mass consumption is by doing a three-
                                                                             Fear of missing out is a marketing tool these companies use to make us buy more.

                                                                             month detox from buying fast fashion, and instead repeating the outfits you already

                                                                             the planet, and challenges the capitalist ideology that we constantly need more to
                                The Only Trend You                           own multiple times. This also sends out a message to the industry that we care about
                                                                             feel good about ourselves.
                             Should Follow in 2024                           You can make outfit repeating look different each time by styling it with different
                                                                             accessories, or wear it in exactly the same way
                                                                             you wore it before. This is a sustainable
                                   Aparna Sharma advocates for the           and economical way to use your
                                       ‘repeating outfits’ trend..           wardrobe  – wearing an  outfit
                                                                             50 times instead of five can
        Did you know that Alia Bhatt recently repeated her wedding sari for the 69th   drastically reduce the carbon
        National Film Awards? This may not be a big deal to many, but it sends out the right   footprint of that particular
        message to those who feel uneasy repeating an outfit that has been photographed   outfit.
        often, or published on social media. In a world struggling with climate change, in
        which evidence points that the fast fashion industry plays a significant role, it’s high   Outfit repeating saves you
                                                                             money, as fast fashion
        time we start consuming less of fast fashion and start repeating our clothes more.
                                                                             brands launch  up to 50
        Have you ever felt that someone will pass a snide remark if you repeat the same   or more trends every year,
        outfit regularly, or one that you’ve already posted? If so, you are not alone. A study by   and keeping up with all of
        Barnardo’s –  a British charity dedicated to caring for vulnerable children via reselling   them can be stressful and
        second hand clothes – showed that on average, items of clothing are worn just seven   expensive. When you buy a
        times before they’re discarded. Most clothes which are discarded don’t get passed   few good-quality outfits, it will
        on to another person. This is a misconception a lot of people have about the clothes   save you time, and keep your
        they discard from their wardrobe. Here are some important statistics which might   wardrobe clutter free. Keeping
        help you consider buying better-quality clothes, and re-wearing them more often:  a few staple pieces and outfits
                                                                             in your wardrobe that you love, and are
          •   100 to 150 billion garments are produced by the fashion industry every year.
                                                                             excited to wear, makes getting dressed so much easier and fun. Repeating clothes
          •   60 percent of the clothing produced is plastic based materials like nylon, acrylic,   also helps keep clothes out of landfills. Just think of it as giving a big hug to the planet
             polyester, etc.
                                                                             every time you repeat your outfit.
          •   92 million tonnes of clothes end up in landfills every year, and only 20 percent
                                                                             We’ve seen many celebrities repeat their outfits in 2023. Thanks to the likes of Kate
             of clothes discarded are reused or recycled.
                                                                             Middleton, Nicole Kidman and Alia Bhatt, outfit repeating is probably the ‘coolest’
          •   Textile production generates 42 million tonnes of plastic waste every year.
                                                                             trend against climate change – literally. Will you be repeating your outfits more in 2024?
          •   Textile waste in landfills causes methane emissions, which in turn is contributing
             to climate change.                                                Aparna Sharma is a non-conformist who believes that fashion must become a
                                                                                  force for good and style must meet sustainability. She breaks down the
        The reason for these sobering statistics can be traced back to the introduction of
        fast fashion and social media. Consumerism is good for fast fashion companies, as   nuances of slow fashion and how we can stay stylish without being trendy.

        MASAL A LITE  ISSUE 157 - JANUARY 2024
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