Page 76 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 6 | August - September 2024
P. 76
and we’ve discovered that consumer We can proudly say that we’re the best in this mindset from day one. It’s not just about
behaviour has changed drastically when class in this field within Thailand, across being as quick as possible on the phone and
compared to pre-pandemic times and now. not only financial services industries, but hitting the numbers, but it’s about customer
One thing we’re seeing more than ever is also across many other industries. We have satisfaction. It’s about being proud of making
that people are taking shorter trips, but more very good teams on the phone, and it’s all this micro-difference to people’s lives one
frequently; as opposed to when revenge travel about the mindset and the genuine care for by one.
was big right after COVID-19 – people were our consumers.
going on longer trips for a further distance, Can you share some recent or upcoming
but less frequently. As an example, a businessman once told me partnerships that American Express
about an experience with American Express Thailand has entered, and how these
Shorter trips mean our customers are that really impressed him. He’d gone for a collaborations are expected to benefit your
travelling around Asia more, and they’re meeting at a corporate office in Singapore, customers?
optimising their weekends and long weekends. and he’d gone to the bathroom in a slightly This is very important for our business.
We’ve realised that Thais are all about remote area of the building. The lock had The most recent partnership that we’ve
optimising the opportunity to experience jammed somehow, and no one could hear done is with Rolls Royce MOTOR CARS,
Asia, so we want to emphasise that which needs no introduction. In
we have great networks that we can partnerships like this, we try to
leverage within key Asian cities, merge the interests of both brands
from Singapore, to Hong Kong, so we can give the best experience
Tokyo, and more.
to our customers. For example, what
Because we focus on global travel, do our customers want with a Rolls
we have a lot of data points on the Royce partnership? They want to
preferred places to go in these cities, see exclusive models before anyone
so we make those recommendations, else, to make reservations before
and we have travel consultants who others, and have something special
can give guidance and even plan and exclusively theirs.
itineraries for our card members. We’re also holding more experiential-
This is all part of our customer based events that capture all five
senses. The last one was at Riverdale
You’ve mentioned that while the Marina, a 45-minute drive from
personal touch is paramount, Bangkok, which has a golf course
customers these days also expect attached to it. We took our clients
a certain amount of automation, on a sunset cruise on an Azimut
and digital technology is at Yacht from Chris-Craft, followed
the forefront of change in the by a Michelin-starred dinner from
financial services industry. How IGNIV; we gave them the full
is American Express leveraging luxury experience to show them
digital technologies to enhance what American Express is about.
customer experience and
operational efficiency in Thailand? One thing our customers really
For American Express, technology is enjoy is meeting each other. These
extremely important because we are are just some of the reasons our
in the payments space. In Thailand, events and partnerships with some
we have a mobile app called Amex of the top names across different
Experiences. There, customers industries are so important – for
can see exactly what kind of value added example, we have partnerships
experiences they can get in other countries, him and get him out. He didn’t know who with Ferrari, BVLGARI, and many more
in a way that’s simplified and easy. to call, so he called the Thai phone number across high fashion, the automotive industry,
on the back of his American Express card. hospitality, restaurants, and more.
We want to make sure things come to our Our team here swiftly managed to find out
customers seamlessly, and that everything where he was, get in touch with someone who Another tailored event that we hold each
is customised. For example, when you’re could open the door for him and get him out. year is “Sincerely Yours”, our signature event
driving down the highway here and are At the end of the day, we want to ensure that for our absolute top customers, to say thank
bombarded with all the billboards, you may we take care of our customers end to end. you for their membership, and have them
feel overwhelmed. We make sure that the experience the brand first-hand. It’s also a
customer is at the centre of everything we I hear stories like these from customers all chance for our team to meet with customers
do, we screen out all the noise, and deliver the time, and it shows how we truly back our face-to-face. As I’ve said earlier, it’s always
offers and services that are relevant to them. customers beyond just facilitating transactions. important to have your ears on the ground
It’s not just about payments, it’s about and constantly listen to customers so we can
As you’ve mentioned, American Express going above and beyond for our customers. continuously improve, and there’s no better
focuses on exceptional experiences for the Because we’ve designed the customer journey way than for us to sit down and have dinner
premium market. What are the ways that purposefully where our card members will with them.
the company goes above and beyond in almost immediately get to a human when they
customer service? call, it’s important that our colleagues know