Page 52 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 3 | February - March 2024
P. 52

Can you walk us through a                                                     Kulthep:  Securing Bella and
            typical timeline when working                                                Bright for Congrats My Ex! was like
           on a Benetone Films project,                                                  setting a cornerstone; everything
            from the storyline, to casting,                                              else naturally aligned after that. A
            to the production and editing?                                               key factor in bringing this project
           Which element would you say                                                   to life was the Thai director
           makes or breaks a movie, and                                                  Prueksa ‘Tui’ Amruji, who
           which takes up the most time?                                                 played a crucial role in directing

           Kulthep: For a film, the process                                              and refining the script to resonate
           usually takes about two years, a                                              with Thai audiences, which
           bit longer than for a TV series.                                              helped us craft the film into the
           We start with an idea but spend                                               success it became. For the initial
           almost a year developing the script,                                          script draft, we’d involved Indian
            to ensure that it is the best it can                                         writers for an authentic touch to
           be before we start shooting. With                                             the storyline. An award-winning
           a weak script, it’s hard to make a                                            Indian choreographer, a long-time
            good movie even with the best                                                friend, joined to infuse the film
           directors. After that, we spend 3-4                                           with captivating dance sequences.
           months preparing for the shoot,                                               Moreover, we partnered with a UK
           which usually takes two months.                                               cinematographer we’ve worked
           Post-production, where we edit                                                with before, ensuring the film had
           and finalise the film, typically lasts                                        a unique visual appeal.
           about six months.
                                                                                         How do you juggle work and
           As the only Thai-Indian-owned                                                 family time?

            production  house  in  the                                                   Rachvin: Now that my children
           Kingdom, how do you hope                                                      are  grown,  it  gives  me  more
            to bring together the Thai and                                               flexibility to focus on Benetone
           Indian communities with your                                                  Films. It’s about spending quality
            projects,  spanning  storylines,                                             time with family when we can
           casting, and more?                                                            connect; a balance between work

           Our Thai-Indian heritage gave us a unique   aimed at the Indian diaspora in the US   and family.
            perspective, although it’s not easy to create a   and Canada, that we co-produced with an
           comedy that both Thais and Indians can relate   American studio, Marvista.  Kulthep: It’s about striking the right balance
            to! Our first major Thai feature film, Congrats                      every day and with younger kids at home,                           DISCOVER JOHNNIE WALKER’S FIRST FLAGSHIP
           My Ex! was a chance to explain to a wider   In all these projects, we’re involved in   it’s a juggling act. Thankfully, I have an
           audience the intricate details of Indian culture,   everything from the ground up – from the   incredibly supportive and understanding     SCOTCH WHISKY STORE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA
            such as Indian weddings, in a way that was fun   initial idea and developing the script, to   family, especially my wife, Anoushka, who
           and that Thai audiences would appreciate and   overseeing production and post-production.  has stood by my side since when she first
           enjoy. One of the best moments was hearing   We’re hands-on in choosing the team,  moved here from India as a new bride during      Step into an immersive experience that will take you on a journey into premium whisky excellence, with the
           Thai guests at the premiere saying they wanted   from the writers to the directors, cast, and   the early phase of Benetone Films, when   world-renowned Johnnie Walker Blue Label. Nestled in the sophisticated Park Hyatt Bangkok, the Johnnie
           Indian boyfriends after watching our movie!  even the wardrobe and music. It’s a big   we were still going through the process of   Walker Depth of Blue Room invites you to indulge yourself in this intricately-crafted Scotch whisky that only
                                              responsibility, ensuring the success of a film,  understanding the business.                     exists in one in 10,000 casks, along with specially-curated cocktails inspired by Thai ingredients. With a multi-
           We were thrilled to see the film do well on   and we’re committed to every aspect of it.                                            sensory experience spanning impressive special effects and a 180-degree screen, you’ll be whisked away
           Amazon Prime Video, topping the No. 1 chart                           With the rave reviews that you’ve received for
           in over 10 countries, while also reaching the   With Congrats My Ex!, tell us about your   Congrats My Ex!, are you inspired to write   to a unique exploration of taste, scent, sound, and form, as you explore hidden realms beneath the ocean.
           No. 5 most searched ‘Romantic Comedy’   collaboration with Prime Video and how   more stories that resonate with both the           Johnnie Walker Depth of Blue Room is now open to all customers to discover a new dimension of luxury
           movies in India. It showed us that we had   that came about, and how you managed to   Thai and Indian communities, and what’s        and connection, and visit us today and receive your own exclusive ‘Rarity’ Card and Luxury Flipbook.

           managed to share a piece of Indian culture   sign on the big names in acting, directing,  next on the horizon for Benetone Films?
           with Thai and international audiences in an     and choreography that you did.  Our vision at Benetone Films goes beyond any
           entertaining and informative way.  Rachvin:  We funded the production   single cultural narrative. The positive response
                                              ourselves and worked alongside big names   to Congrats My Ex! has been heartening,
           Was Congrats My Ex! the first project that   in the industry, like GMM TV and T&B   inspiring us to keep creating impactful stories
           was fully under the Benetone Films banner,   Media. But our collaboration with Prime   fostering Thai and Indian collaborations, and
             and how far was the company involved?  Video was key to Congrats My Ex!’s success.  while we’re passionate about projects that
           Congrats My Ex! was a big milestone for us,  They spotted the potential in our film and   explore Thai-Indian themes and are currently
           being the first major Thai feature film we   have helped us reach global audiences   working on various series and films; we’re also
            fully produced under the Benetone Films   and supported us with strong promotional   open to various narratives that aren’t limited to
           banner. But our journey in content creation   backing. And though we are relatively new   this cultural intersection.
           doesn’t stop there. We’ve also produced a   to producing Thai films, well-known Thai   The main criterion is the   VIEW  VIDEO:
            short series for Hooq and a coming-of-age   actors Ranee ‘Bella’ Campen and Vachirawit   story’s overall appeal and
            story titled WANNABE for Viu. We’re not just  ‘Bright’ Chivaaree trusted our production   potential to bring unique
            focused on Thai content; we’ve gone global.  quality and believed in our vision, drawn   and engaging content to
           Take Arranged Love (2023) for instance – it’s   from our extensive experience, and were   our audiences.
           an Indian romantic comedy we shot in India,  instrumental in bringing this project to life.

           52 |  MASALA MAGAZINE FEB-MAR 2024                                                                                        FOR MORE INFORMATION:    ADDRESS:                     TEL:              EMAIL:
                                                                                                                                                              35th floor, Park Hyatt Bangkok  +66 2 0117480
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