Page 50 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 3 | February - March 2024
P. 50

Above and beyond, it is at the door of   in a ‘meatier’ role, I ask them to
            the producers that lies the tremendous   tell me more about how they
           accountability for the film’s success, and   got to where they are today.
            for the past two decades, this overwhelming
           role has been superbly played by the brother   What was your journey
           duo and co-founders of Benetone Films:   towards starting Benetone
           CEO Rachvin ‘Vin’ Narula, 58; and COO   Films?  Where did the idea
           Kulthep ‘Thep’ Narula, 49; with the latter   begin, what was your initial
           being part of my family since his days at the   vision, and what exactly does
           New York University (NYU) Stern School of   your company do for each
           Business with my son, who remembers him,     project?
           even back then, as someone who put his all   Rachvin:  Our  filmmaking
           into whatever he set out to do; a trait that I   journey began almost like a
            saw in both the brothers during my days on   scene from a movie. Our father,
            the set of  the movie.            Rajpal Narula, had a chance
                                              encounter with an Indian
           Rachvin and Kulthep founded the production   actor/director/producer, Feroz
           house two decades ago, after Rachvin finished   Khan, who asked him to help
           his MBA from George Washington University   with a supposed six-day shoot in
           and Kulthep finished at NYU Stern School   Pattaya, Thailand. This turned
           of Business. When I ask them what exactly   into 45 days of production, and
            their roles entail, Rachvin explains his dual   though it was like being thrown
           role as both CEO of Benetone Films and   into the deep end, we learnt to
           Chopstick Films, their subsidiary specialising   swim fast and thus experienced
           in high-end product shoots. “Both roles allow   our unexpected entry into the
           me to blend creative insights with operational   film world.
           and strategic management,” he explains. “I
            focus on staying true to the artistic vision   Kulthep: Starting Benetone
           but ensure commercial success by doing   Films was a bit like assembling
           movies with content that has broad appeal,   a complex puzzle without
           like WANNABE(2022) and Congrats My Ex!,   the picture on the box. From our initial
           which have gained recognition on platforms   unexpected foray into film line production,
           like Viu and Amazon Prime Video.”  we now handle everything from location
                                              scouting to post-production, and are proud
           Kulthep, meanwhile, as the COO, is more   of our journey from novices to seasoned
            focused on the narrative and field work side:   professionals in the film industry.  We chose the road less
           “I’ve primarily dedicated myself to working on
           compelling narratives while focusing on the   What and when was the production   travelled, but it turned
           development and the production of films, and     company’s first real break?
           our digital and content division,” he says. “This   Rachvin: Our first real break wasn’t a sudden   out to be the right one,
           means I’m often on the field, ensuring our   big bang, but more of a gradual climb. At the
            projects are executed flawlessly; to which the   time, I was balancing our family’s chemical  and set us on the journey
            key has been effective delegation and trusting   business, and Kulthep was managing our
            the team to deliver while I manage the overall   internet startup, Cyberia. Meanwhile, film   to where we are today.
            production flow. I’m also deeply involved in   projects started coming in and juggling
            the policy level for the Thai film industry, and   everything stretched us too thin. We took
           overseeing initiatives such as the Thailand   the bold step of focusing on the film business,
           Film Incentive Program and the ‘soft power’  which felt like jumping onto a new, exciting
           initiatives by the current government.”  path but without a map.      about 30. Interestingly, this period turned out
                                                                                 to have a silver lining; it pushed us to pivot
           I spoke to them further about their foray into   Kulthep: It was a game-changer, and a tough   from solely offering production services to
            the unchartered waters of film production for   choice for us to close down Cyberia and put   developing our original intellectual property.
           Thai-Indians, and they tell me about their   all our bets on the film industry, especially
           eagerness to continue their journey of bringing   in a field as uncertain as film production,   Kulthep:  We shifted  the focus from  a
           innovative stories to the screen through their   and even more so in the Thai-Indian   predominantly production-oriented staff
           diverse projects which highlight both Thai   community, where this wasn’t a common   to a more creatively driven team, allowing
           and Indian cultures, and our unique, Thai-  path. We chose the road less travelled, but   us to diversify our skill set and adapt to the
           Indian meld. They are also committed to   it turned out to be the right one, and set   industry’s evolving demands. Today, our core
           ensuring every production stays true to their   us on the journey to where we are today.   team stands at around 50, but depending on
           creative vision, and are in fact already excitedly                    the project, we expand significantly, bringing
           working on their second movie, set to release   How many staff are with you full time, and   in 80 to 500 freelance professionals. In peak
           later this year on Prime Video, although this     how many more when there’s a project?  times and when managing multiple projects,
           one will show their range by being vastly   Rachvin: Prior to the pandemic, our team   we’ve coordinated with over a thousand
           different from Congrats My Ex! While in   was almost a hundred strong. However, with   individuals. It is the flexibility in our team size
            the meantime I’m crossing my fingers and legs,  the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic,  that reflects our adaptability and commitment
           hoping for a future phone call to join the cast   we focused on efficiency and scaled down to   to evolving with the industry’s needs.

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