Page 51 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 3 | February - March 2024
P. 51

How much do you both typically involve   Rachvin: The most satisfying part of our job is   it’s not uncommon to see a few tears on the
           yourselves once the shooting starts, and   seeing our projects come to life on screen; the   last day of shooting. These moments remind
           how long does each project take on average?  unique thrill in watching something you’ve   us that beyond the cameras and scripts, the

           Kulthep: Our involvement in the shooting   nurtured from a concept turn into a reality that   human connections truly make a film project
            phase varies. For larger, more complex   audiences can enjoy. Every successful project   memorable.

            productions, we’re more hands-on, ensuring   feels like a personal triumph, a testament to   Are you tense when a project under the
           every detail is just  right,  like  being  the   our team’s hard work and creativity. It’s these   Benetone Films banner is due for release,
           conductor of a very intricate orchestra. Our   moments that make all the challenges along   and does its success or failure affect your
           experience and oversight are crucial during     the way genuinely worthwhile.  mood?
            the pre-production and budgeting stages. Our   How do you handle fussy clients or stars, and
            team of producers and crew take the lead   can you share any memorable incidents with   Rachvin: Making a movie involves
                                                                                 coordinating countless details and overcoming
           on regular shooting days, but we’re there,  them – anonymously, of course? What about   numerous challenges. It’s this complexity
            prepared to jump in if needed; like a firefighter     the reverse; a pleasant or funny anecdote?
           – but hoping everything goes smoothly without                         that makes filmmaking both challenging and
           us having to douse any flames! [Laughs] The   Kulthep: We maintain professionalism.  thrilling. And that’s the essence of what we
                                              It’s a delicate dance of keeping enough
           duration of projects can vary widely, from a   distance to remain objective, yet being close   do – embracing the adventure and the reward
            few weeks for commercials, to several months   enough to understand their needs. We once   of creating films. So, the release of any project
            for feature films.                                                   is absolutely a nail-biting experience, a mix of
                                              faced a unique challenge during a shoot in   excitement and tension. The stakes are even
           What’s the hardest part of the job and how   Kanchanaburi. A well-known star discovered   higher when it’s not just line producing, but
           do you overcome it, and conversely, what’s   that the location was an hour from his hotel,  our original content with a piece of Benetone
             the best or most satisfying part of the job?  and, well, let’s say he wasn’t thrilled and   Films in the project; ones we’ve poured our
           Kulthep: The hardest part? Definitely the   insisted on a location closer to his hotel,  hearts into, aiming to create something
            pre-production and budgeting phase. It’s   leaving us and about 200 crew members in   memorable. The audience’s reception is
           like trying to solve a complex puzzle where   a bind. It was a classic case of adaptability   crucial to us – it’s the moment of truth to
           each piece represents a different aspect of the     meeting the demands of stardom!  see if our vision has genuinely connected.
            project. You need an eye for detail and a knack   Rachvin: Regarding the more pleasant side,   So, although success or failure does impact
            for numbers, which can be quite a juggling   the camaraderie on set often stands out. There   our mood, we remind ourselves that at the
           act. To find the right team for each project   might not be one singular anecdote, but it’s   end of the day, it’s part of a journey to which
           is also crucial, like matchmaking – you’re   the overall experience that resonates. It’s like   we’ve given our all, in creating the best work
           ensuring everyone clicks, and brings their   creating a temporary family with each project.    we possibly can.
           best to the table.                 The bonds we form can be so strong that

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