Page 68 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 5 | June - July 2024
P. 68



                                              Inspiring stories of women in the community
                                               who’ve pursued their PhDs after turning 40.
                                                             B Y R UB Y SIRINAR ANG

                                 recently had the opportunity to interview two remarkable Thai-Indian women who
                                 embarked on the journey of pursuing a PhD after turning 40, despite encountering setbacks
                                 and challenges in their lives. Reflecting on my own aspirations for doctoral studies, I’ve
                                 encountered numerous women who never considered academia in their 40s. Questions
                                 arise: Why pursue further education? What’s the purpose? Some argue life is fleeting,
                                 so why bother? Yet, dressing up and showing up is one thing; summoning the resilience
                                 and courage to pursue advanced degrees is quite another. Is it merely acquiring another
                                 certificate, or does it epitomise genuine resilience and empowerment? Masala spoke to
                                 two such women who found the grit and determination to pursue academia later in life.

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