Page 64 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 5 | June - July 2024
P. 64

           Director of Falcon Mind, Bookkeeper, and Math Tutor

           Technology can present a major challenge as a parent. How do
           you deal with it?

           Today, everything is instantly and easily accessible. As parents, it’s
            fun and comfortable to rely so much on technology, but when we
           watch our children ‘enjoy’ the same comfort from a very young age,
           it creates a dilemma. How we were raised back then, worked. We
           were often aware of our privileges when our parents gave us more
            freedom, and appreciated what we received. However, today, children
            seem clueless of these differences, which is why comparisons no
           longer make sense. Comparing past generations to the Gen Zs and
           Gen-Alphas needs to stop, as the times have flipped 180 degrees,
           and there is no turning back. Understanding and accepting these
            facts and implementing changes ASAP is the only way forward for
           our sanity, as well as to harmoniously keep up with our children.

           What are the other challenges that you face as a 21st Century
           mother, and how do you handle them?

           To keep up with my five-year-old daughter, I have accepted that   Moreover, children today are more aware of the things their friends
            practicing old methods no longer works. I am responsible for   have, and naturally want the same. With my daughter, I will first
            preparing her for her future, but that begs the question: while being   see if it’s necessary and try to not splurge on a lot of things. I try not
           open minded and flexible, how much is too much or too little, and   to give in to all her wants, but when I feel she’s earned it, then I
           where do I draw the line?                           have no issues in giving her a treat to make her happy. In fact, I’ve
                                                                sometimes found myself in hilarious situations where deals and
           Many parents have debates over the use of technology, and yet, we   bargains are being made by my mini-me! I’ve come to realise that
           rely on it so much ourselves. We shouldn’t compare our past to   diplomacy and patience are always key.
            their present – kids won’t hesitate to point out that if we can use
            technology now, why can’t they? From the moment they are born,
            they watch us hold a phone to photograph each of their movements.
           Therefore, technology has always been a part of them.

           SARIKA KHERA, 37

           What are some parenthood-related struggles that you’ve had with
           There is a struggle to maintain quality family time in this digital
           age. For instance, during family dinners, my kids are often more
           engrossed in their tablets or smartphones than in conversations
           with us. These constant distractions make it difficult to foster
           meaningful family connections and teach essential social skills.
           However, I do ensure that I spend meaningful and attentive quality
            time with my children.

           As a modern mum, how do you handle the new challenges of today?

           Striving for a harmonious work-life balance is a challenge! When
           I was working a part time job and my husband was out of town,
           it became difficult for me to manage both work and family
           commitments. I missed my daughter’s dance show and felt terrible
            guilt when she said that she looked around for me. This experience
           highlights the constant tug of war between professional duties and
            family obligations. Currently, I try to prioritise my kids and plan   mental health issues. Today, they are pressured to excel in every
           accordingly, using a family calendar to track important events,  aspect, aiming for admission to prestigious colleges like Ivy League
           deadlines and schedules. This has helped me to plan ahead and   schools. Unlike in the 90s, where parents focused more on teaching
           be present for significant family moments. I’ve also built a reliable   survival skills, this emphasis on achievement can lead to depression
           network of friends, family and childcare to step in if I really can’t   and rebellion, causing them to lose touch with the joys of life. I’ve
           be there for them.                                  witnessed how this pressure affects my own child, who struggles to
                                                               balance academic success with personal wellbeing, often feeling
           What is your advice for helping our children deal with today’s   overwhelmed and stressed. Therefore, I would say that addressing
           challenges?                                          these societal expectations and prioritising our children’s mental

           Our children are confronting different societal expectations and   health and happiness is key.

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