Page 69 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 5 | June - July 2024
P. 69

DR. LEK SACHATHEP               During my PhD programme, I also took on a job. A senior professor
                                                               at the university at that time, Ajarn Sudaporn, encouraged me to
           Lek Sachathep is a distinguished academic and educator, who   teach as well, recognising my qualifications for the role. Consequently,
           earned her doctorate in 2013 with a thesis on the comparative   during my first semester, I had to learn to balance teaching with my
           linguistic analysis of three languages. She currently serves on the   academic pursuits, familial responsibilities, and household duties.
           committee for the International Association School of Thailand   This period marked a significant turning point for me; at 40, I gained
           (ISAT) and the sub-committees for the Ministry of Education.   a newfound self-assurance and a sense of control over my life.

                                                               How did your life experiences prior to pursuing your PhD
           What inspired you to pursue a PhD and academic career later   contribute to your academic work?

           in life?                                            My upbringing significantly influenced my academic journey. My

           It has always been my dream to pursue a PhD. After completing   father, who deeply valued education despite his limited opportunities,
           my bachelor’s degree, I went straight into my master’s studies, then   wholeheartedly supported my endeavour to obtain both a bachelor’s
           applied to the University of Hawaii for a PhD program in Linguistics,  and master’s degree. When I expressed my desire to pursue a PhD
           and was fortunate to secure a full scholarship. When I told my   the second time in my life, his only condition was that I do so at
            father about my PhD acceptance, he reminded me that, at 24, the   Chulalongkorn University. He assured me of the family’s unwavering
           decision was mine to make. Realising the societal expectation at   support and commitment to ensuring the wellbeing of my children
            that time to get married, I set aside my PhD ambitions. However,  while I pursued my academic goals. Indeed, my family, including
           at 40, I had the chance to take control of my life and reignite my   my sisters and sister-in-law, took turns caring for my children in my
           long-deferred dream of pursuing a PhD, which had been on hold   absence, enabling me to focus on my studies.
            for 15 years. My affinity for reading the Bangkok Post led me to an
           advertisement announcing that EIL Chulalongkorn University was
           accepting applications, an opportunity I recognised as tailor-made
            for me. This pivotal moment occurred in 2008.

           What challenges did you face during your academic journey,
            particularly considering your decision to pursue it later in life?
           I was unwavering in my decision to pursue my PhD, and I was
           determined to make this dream a reality, not only for myself but
           also to exemplify resilience to my children. However, transitioning
            from full-time motherhood to academia posed significant challenges.
           After years away from the academic world following my Master’s
            studies in Linguistics, adapting to being a full-time student again
           was daunting. Balancing classes, coursework, and exams required
           considerable adjustment. Despite these challenges, I knew I made
            the right decision. The most demanding hurdle materialised when I
           began my dissertation work. This coincided with my elder daughter’s
            pursuit of her IB diploma, and my younger daughter’s personal
            project. Our household became a shared study space for all three of us.

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