Page 71 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 5 | June - July 2024
P. 71

How did your life experiences prior to pursuing your PhD
           contribute to your academic work?                   Our life experiences shape our perspectives and approaches to

           In my professional field, I’ve realised that early childhood experiences   aspects of life, including academia, and I chose to focus on personal
                                                                growth and learning rather than striving to outperform my peers
           heavily shape one’s life. While I had a good upbringing, I acknowledge   academically. Refraining from comparing yourself to others allows
           imperfections in every family. Effective coping and access to support   you to rely on your own abilities to tackle your academic pursuits
           and resources significantly impact our outlook on life. Due to
           limited professional help and social support, I sought answers   Did you encounter any biases or stereotypes due to starting your
            through spiritual practices like meditation, which I’ve continued.  academic career later in life, particularly as a woman?
           This journey helped me discern between spirituality and religion,   I didn’t face any biases or stereotypes as such, mainly because my
           influencing my academic pursuits. Understanding consciousness   chosen field of study was women-centric. Even if I had chosen a
           became crucial in my field, and my spiritual insights enhanced   different field, however, I believe my life experiences would have
           my comprehension of psychological principles. This inspired me   prepared me to address challenges effectively.
            to continually pursue self-education and professional development
            to deepen my understanding of humanity.            What accomplishments are you most proud of in your academic

           How did you balance family, work, and academic responsibilities
           during your studies?                                I take immense pride in completing my PhD despite encountering

                                                               numerous obstacles along the way. My father’s brain injury and my
           It’s worth noting that during my PhD journey, I was already single,   own health challenges presented significant hurdles that I had to
           and didn’t have children. Furthermore, I was studying abroad, not   navigate independently. Eventually, I identified the root cause of
           in Thailand. While I didn’t face the same pressures as women   my health issues and sought appropriate treatment. Through these
           with families, I did experience significant pressure from my own   experiences, I learned to rely on my own capabilities, which greatly
            family. To maintain equilibrium, I made it a point to visit them   bolstered my confidence. In essence, my PhD journey enabled
           regularly, at least twice a year. Financially, although I was given   me to streamline my thought processes, leading to the resolution
            support, I was teaching extensively at the university, to make up for   of numerous personal and professional challenges. Today, I have a
           my living expenses. I will forever be grateful to my parents for their   profession that I can leverage throughout my lifetime.
           unconditional support in many aspects during my studies.
                                                               In what ways do you think academia can better support individuals
           What advice would you give other women considering pursuing   who pursue their academic careers later in life?

             a PhD and an academic career later in life.       I believe the answer to this question largely depends on individual
           It’s clear that individuals pursuing a PhD come from diverse life   personality. For those who are independent by nature, academia
           backgrounds, so I’d rather share the insights gained from my own   may align well with their preferences. Additionally, academia can
           journey, which could provide valuable guidance to others on this   accommodate individuals seeking a different lifestyle. Academics
            path. In my view, the decision to do a PhD largely depends on   have the freedom to work on their own terms, such as choosing their
           one’s passion for the subject matter and their ability to persevere.   teaching schedule and designing course content according to their
           It’s essentially a trial of endurance. If someone is deeply passionate   preferences. They also have the autonomy to pursue research and
           about their field or motivated by the career they envision, they are   publish papers based on their interests.
           more likely to pursue it later in life. Another critical factor is your
           PhD supervisor – it’s essential that they have firsthand knowledge of   Moreover, academia fosters personal growth and development.
            the project’s subject matter, and a genuine interest in the candidate’s   Pursuing a PhD later in life allows individuals to enrich their research
            success. Additionally, if the project stems from the candidate’s own   perspectives with their life experiences. Finding fulfilment in a field
           ideas, it fosters a sense of ownership and autonomy throughout the   of passion can significantly contribute to emotional, psychological,
            process.                                           and mental wellbeing.

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