Page 74 - MASALA Magazine Vol.15 Issue 5 | June - July 2024
P. 74

What is your overarching vision for ONYX Hospitality Group in
             the next five years, and how do you plan to achieve it?
           ONYX Hospitality Group has been around for quite some time.
           We started from a small hotel group in Pattaya, and then moved to
           Bangkok, then Chiang Mai, and Phuket. As a hospitality player in
           Thailand, we’ve been developing and owning hotels and resorts for
           more than 50 years, but in the past 20 years, I took the initiative to
           really set up ONYX Hospitality Group, to make sure that we don’t
           run just one brand. I knew it was not sustainable to have just one
           brand and one segment, and we needed to expand and diversify.
           We’ve expanded to upper-upscale and even luxury developments,
           mixed-use developments, serviced apartments, and mixed-scale hotels.

           In this industry, and especially in Southeast Asia, it’s important to
           diversify because the market is so big – there are multiple segments
           and regional travellers, so you have to have multiple brands to attract
            them. Our vision for ONYX Hospitality Group is to be the best
           medium-sized hospitality management company in Southeast Asia.
           It’s a big commitment, but I think we’re on track to get there. As
           of 2024, by year’s end, we’ll have a total of almost 46 properties in
            several countries: in Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Laos,
           Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. We aim to manage over 50 properties by
           2025 and reach 70 locations by 2028.

           How is ONYX Hospitality Group adapting to current trends and   We tailored approaches to our
           innovations in the hospitality industry to stay competitive and
           relevant?                                                  guests for each brand, to ensure

           I don’t know if the word ‘adapt’ is relevant. It’s about changing more   that every single property has its
            than adapting. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, our operations were
           quite heavy, with a big team in multiple countries. The pandemic   own USP
            forced us to relook at how we operate; to become more agile and
           nimble. In the past, I wasn’t very involved in operations. I was on the
           board; I listened and observed and critiqued performance, but as an   Road in Bangkok. Amari is an upper upscale hotel with full services
           owner, I never really got into the details. But COVID compelled   catering to the discerning needs of both business and leisure travellers,
           me to get involved personally, and in doing so, I learned a lot. When   offering services as a City MICE hotel, Urban MICE hotel, and resort
           you hire dedicated professionals, they work towards the company’s   - a celebration of contemporary Thainess. Shama is a serviced apartment
            success. As an owner, being involved ensures you stay informed and   brand that provides its residents with a combination of comfort, style,
           help maintain a smooth flow of information. By hiring sincere people   and luxury, now available in Hong Kong, China, Thailand, and
           who are committed to growing the business, you can foster a thriving   Malaysia; and OZO is a middle-upper scale hotel brand with a touch
           and transparent work environment.                   of fun and playfulness, offering a vibrant and energetic hotel and resort
                                                               experience, currently available in Thailand and Malaysia. Our brand
           In the past, our focus for growth was on signing numerous contracts   structures are straightforward and I believe hospitality players should
           each year. However, many of those contracts turned into liabilities.   focus on strengthening existing brands rather than acquiring more
           Ultimately, we had to restructure the entire portfolio, eliminating   brands if they lack traction. It doesn’t make sense to have one property
            the liability contracts and refocusing our efforts. Additionally, we   for each brand. For example, many Thai-Indian families have land
           renovated many of our properties to ensure we could reposition   and want to build hotels. Sometimes, they may choose to manage the
           ourselves effectively after COVID.                   property themselves, but other times, they prefer professionals who
                                                                provide a structured framework for operations. That’s where ONYX
           What would you say is your new focus, in this post-pandemic   Hospitality Group comes in - we aim to be the preferred choice of
           landscape?                                          operator for many real-estate developers in Southeast Asia.

           Our new focus is ensuring that whatever property we own or manage,
           it will generate a sustainable and positive recovery fee. We asked   Sustainability is now paramount in many industries, and the
           ourselves, “How are we going to be competitive?” The answer is:   hospitality industry is no exception. Can you elaborate on ONYX
           reinvest in sales and marketing, in people selection, and maintain   Hospitality Group’s sustainability initiatives and how they align
            strong financial discipline to ensure that each brand delivers.   with global environmental standards?

           In the past, Thailand was seen as a discounted destination that was   ‘No single-use plastics’ has become the norm now. But we take
           ‘value for money.’ However, COVID forced hotels to realise that   another angle towards sustainability at ONYX Hospitality Group.
           having a  good location and low prices is not enough. You have to   We start with cultural sustainability, and in fact, we are the first
           make sure your price is more competitive, and products and services   hospitality firm in Asia-Pacific to follow the UNESCO framework on
           need to improve. Our brands were no exception.      “intangible cultural heritage.” For example, we ask ourselves, “How
                                                               can we practice Songkran like we used to?” It’s not just about parties
           Among our brands, we have the Oriental Residence, where the   and spraying water, there’s more depth to the festival. We need to
            tradition of luxury boutique hotels lives on in every gesture, making   extract the essence of the rituals and festivals, spanning Diwali for
           each visit a celebration of the timeless allure of gracious living. At   our Indian families, to Chinese New Year, and more, and respect
            present, you may experience Oriental Residence’s charm on Wireless   them at our hotels.

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